Your Daily MomScope for February 17, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


It's a good day to go on the hunt for treasures in the attic or on the garage sale circuit. You never know what you'll find, and it's a fun activity for the little ones as well. You might find some valuable antiques.


Break out the crayons, markers and other art supplies. You're in the mood to indulge your little one's creativity to the fullest. Join in since you can really relate to their need to pull out all the stops today.


A little flattery will get you and the tyke a long way today. Make sure to comment on the checkout person's new haircut and the baker's new tie. There just might be a free cookie or other treat in it for you both.


Missing your baby? It could be that their schedule is too tightly packed with play dates and day care and lessons. Make sure you allow them some windows to just hang out with you and be your kiddo.


Enjoy a moment of celebrity today. You may field some applause at work for that great report you composed. Or at the bake sale for your killer brownies. Or maybe it's just that your tyke thinks you're a total star.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞


Is travel in your future? Your kiddo is interested in seeing the world, so start now. Begin with a bus ride downtown or trip to the airport to watch the planes. They'll love having a chance to see what it's all about.


This would be a good day to demonstrate some etiquette skills to the tyke. There's a proper way to handle a spoon, and banging it on the table or a sibling's head isn't one of them. Make sure they know this today.


It can be easy for you to become overly attached to people and objects today. Just because a toy or blankie is your tyke's favorite doesn't mean you have to hang on to it forever. Once you know that, it will be easier to let go.


There's no time like the present to practice your motivational skills. The kiddo may need a pep talk to tackle practicalities like homework or chores. Your words prompt them to positive action today, so choose wisely.


Romance is high on the agenda today, but it will take decisive action to pull it off. Go ahead and make your other half an irresistible proposition. Then line up a babysitter so you can make your getaway together.


Your baby may be asking about older relatives -- or vice versa -- today. Call or send an e-mail to update them on what your child has been up to lately. Especially the funny stories, of which they can't get enough.


You may need to keep the tots occupied again today, and art projects would be a wonderful outlet. Break out the construction paper and crayons, and let them go at it. You'll be free to get some of your own projects done.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.