Your Daily MomScope for February 16, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Out of the way! You have tremendous ambition today, and will want to let others know it no matter what. Be it a raise or promotion, you're ready to put on a full-blown presentation to win your case. Go for it!


There's a reason you feel so rushed these days. Your baby's to-do list grows longer by the minute. Besides playing, napping, eating and singing there's hockey, dance and what all else. Good grief -- no wonder!


Taking the initiative in a group is a good plan today. There may be a project at work or your child's school that is going nowhere. Someone has to get the ball rolling, and you'd be a good person to volunteer for the job.


Your usually excellent memory is even sharper today. This might score you some points at work when you're able to recall important details others overlooked. Make sure those higher up know it was you who thought of it.


Chances are you'll meet a mom who will try to change your opinion today. It could be about something very important, like how to solve world hunger, or unimportant like how high your heels should be. Hear them out.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Your true sense of purpose may be on your mind today. Is it really enough to be the best mom, partner and employee that you can be? Turns out that's plenty and very fulfilling -- so take time to feel good about yourself.


Much as you wish it could be, this day is not all about romance. But after you fulfill your work and mom duties, a little one-on-one time with Dad shouldn't be hard to wrangle. In fact, it will be easier than you think.


Do what you can to avoid conflict today. Another mom may seem bent on stirring things up needlessly. But if you show others that you're not out to gain anything, they'll soon agree to live and let live.


You'll want to expand your horizons today. Restless, the same old park just doesn't cut it. Maybe there's one on the other side of town the kiddo would like to explore with you. Check it out together.


You can speak to motivate today. All it will take is a few words of encouragement for your tyke to exceed themselves. Just remember to keep it positive, and who knows what heights you will inspire them to reach next.


You'll likely be called upon to take charge today. Your little one's soccer coach or dance teacher may be overwhelmed and need your assistance. Fortunately, you're a whiz with team assignments and such.


Less-than-ideal weather equals tykes in need of a channel for their energy. Once they get to work on a project, the desire for mischief vanishes. You'd be wise to have more than one activity up your sleeve.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞