Your Daily MomScope for February 14, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Ready to go on a new project or big purchase? Don't sign anything just yet. Make sure you read all the fine print and check with your partner. They might point out a drawback that you overlooked in your haste.


You're tempted to rush out and make some big purchases, including maybe a major toy for the tot. Best put it off, as there's so much else you need. Leave the luxury items for later, when the budget is in healthier shape.


Give clear instructions today or the tyke just won't get it. Same goes with your other half, who may easily misunderstand a simple direction like 'take out the trash' to mean 'go watch TV for hours on end.'


You're brimming with good energy today. You and your child should get out and look for signs that it's really happening. A crocus here, a new leaf there -- it's all good.


It's a good day to help baby explore those creative skills. Why not take them to the craft store, so they can see all the wonderful materials that are available? Some new stickers or some glitter may be all it takes.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


You can act as psychotherapist for your little one. Like when their sandcastle or block tower gets kicked over by another child, it's sure to evoke strong feelings. You can help them cope and deal with the other kid.


Try to remain as flexible as possible. There may be changes in schedule that are simply beyond your control, just roll with it. And if you have to backtrack to pick up some forgotten homework, be patient with the tyke.


You yearn to get away from it all with your other half, out for a night on the town. It will take some doing to pull it off today. At the very least you should be able to share a few stolen moments on the couch later.


You can learn a lot from people who have more experience than you. Why not bring the kiddo to see some older folks? As they reminisce about the past, you'll be inspired and uplifted by all they've gone through.


Your compassionate side is stirred today. Perhaps you'll bring some of the clothes your tyke has outgrown or toys and games they no longer play with to a family that's down on their luck, or some other act of charity.


What's with the urge to put yourself first today? Actually, it's natural and necessary from time to time. You are so good about meeting your child's needs, but it's okay if every once in a while you pamper yourself.


You'll want to try out some new projects or ideas at work today. This is an excellent time to explore your options and push the boundaries of what is possible. You may be surprised at what happens next -- pleasantly so.

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