Your Daily MomScope for February 13, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


The day begins on a practical and results-driven note,you and your baby are urged to engage in some positive thought. You might sit and meditate together, or simply make a list of all the good things in your life you're thankful for.


Today may fire you with a desire to make a solid contribution to a family or community project. You have much more to offer than you give yourself credit for. It's up to you to figure out what that is, then to make the first move.


Working with purpose is high on your agenda early in the day. But with Aquarius in free-thinking today, it's a good time for deep thought. Leave some space in the agenda for doing some creative daydreaming with your little one.


Having trouble with the work-life-kiddo balance? Reach out to someone older and wiser about it, or read their bio as the stories will inspire you. Today urges you to look outside the box for answers.


Today you'll want to impress others with the way you dress. You might shop for a new outfit to dazzle on your birthday or other occasion, or to look smart and capable for a new job. Try on some new looks outside your comfort zone.

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Today you could be very close to realizing an important ambition. If you're not sure of the next step, then make an appointment with someone who can advise you. Show what a great team player you can be.


Today you can really get your creative juices flowing! Let your tykes express themselves through painting or singing or dancing or composing an ode to summer. You might want to exploit some of your own talents while you're at it.


It's best to remain as open as possible to new ideas -- especially those suggested by your little one. They just might invent a way to prepare the tons of zucchini now in season so that the whole family will actually eat them.


You are an original in mind and expression -- very much your own person. By now your kiddo is used to your ways. Today you will want to find a way to work this trait to your advantage, particularly in a way that will further your ambitions.


You may still be riding on a wave of success, but it's not enough. Today you'll be keeping an eye to the future for you and your little one. Make sure to look (and think) outside the box.


Today you might want to take your cue from your kiddos. When confronted with something new, they leap into it with complete abandon. Do as they do, and take the plunge into a new experience with the same feeling.


Today is optimal for reminding your tyke of the spiritual side of life. They may not sit still for sermons, but a little contemplation is always good for the soul and will do you both a world of good today.

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