Your Daily MomScope for February 12, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You can use other people to your advantage today, except that your kiddo's natural honesty means you probably shouldn't let them cover for you when dodging your MIL. Exploiting their curiosity might get them to crawl under the couch to find your lost keys.


You'll most likely be on the road today, whether for job or personal reasons. Even though your plans are firm, try to work in a side trip for something the kiddo wants. They'll really appreciate you doing so.


Something about your kiddo may not be altogether clear to you today. It's a mystery why they want to play that game or tinker with that toy. When they get confused, they may look to you for advice and guidance, be there.


You may get a sense that everything happens for a reason today. The fact that your kiddo chooses to throw their biggest tantrum ever in the middle of the mall might take you away from the sale racks, which will be a boon to your bank balance.


Like Mr. Dangerfield, you 'don't get no respect?' This would be a good day to assert yourself with those around you, including your little one. Let them know when their mouthing off exceeds the bounds of respect for others.

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Life is full and rich -- but missing something. If that something is romance, it's time to stop waiting for it to happen. Set the stage for your other half with some candlelight, soft music and gourmet food. Then your cup runneth over.


Remember that favor you promised to do for another mom, or the something you borrowed and promised to return? Whatever it may be, today's the day to deal with it. You'll feel much better once you clear an obligation from the past.


Not all of your ideas are gems today -- but a lot of them are. Look for ways to increase efficiency around the house. Like recycling a milk carton into a bird feeder or a cereal box into a magazine holder. There's no end to your ingenuity.


Want to do something different with your tyke -- that doesn't have a high price tag? Take in a free children's concert in the park or stroll through an art gallery or crafts fair. You'll both be inspired by all you see and hear.


At last your pet project is making good headway. Today, remember to inspire your little one to overcome challenges in their own lives. You may have a budding entrepreneur, scholar or other high achiever on your hands.


You may be tempted to corral your child in some way today. It's good to set boundaries for them which make them feel safe. But they also need to stretch, grow, explore and extend their range -- so don't fence them in!


You will want to take it easy today with your baby. A stroll in the park, some bird watching, picking a flower or two -- that's enough excitement for today. Savor these unhurried moments now so that you'll have sweet memories later.

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