Your Daily MomScope for February 01, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You can use charm to get what you want today. There may be that promotion or day care committee chair you have your eye on. A little flattery will get you closer to our goal than your usual shoot-from-the-lip approach.


The best outlet for housebound young'uns: Get them outside, weather permitting. If they're bouncing off the walls indoors, lead them on a good long hike to tucker them out. You have the energy to keep up with them today.


It's a good day to focus on your partner. Maybe you've been so caught up in the tyke's needs you've neglected theirs. Take a minute to think, you're sure to come up with a way to show your appreciation for all they do.


Be careful about starting new projects. You might be tempted to volunteer for the school play or day care committee. But you have a lot on your plate at work these days, so don't get in over your head.


It's time to take some action. If you keep fine-tuning that big career move, it will never be more than just another plan. Same goes for your desire for a date night with the other half. Get going and find a babysitter.

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Why not indulge your love of beauty today. Take the tyke on a nature hike to look for signs of spring or to the museum to see some artwork. You may both be inspired after your trip, and want to tell the family about it.


It's a great day for you and the little one to appreciate beauty. Take them on a trip to the museum to look at works of art, or off to the symphony to hear live music played. They'll love being treated like a grownup.


It's not easy to turn over the kiddo to someone else today. But you know the day care professionals are their advocates and in their corner. So you can relax and get off to work knowing your child is in good hands.


Laughter and fun rule the day, and your large repertoire of jokes will go over big at a work function. But your best audience are the kiddos. It's all new material to them, so brace yourself for lots of belly laughs.


It's a great day to start a new project. Get going on upgrading the tyke's room, refurbishing their wardrobe or other changes that are necessary. Your little one will get a sense of accomplishment if you include them.


The vote is unanimous: You for social director at playgroup or Mommy and Me. Today you'll find no shortage of imaginative activities to keep both the tykes and grownups amused. They'll both thank you.


You usually will walk a mile to avoid a confrontation. But one of the moms owes you, either cash or a favor. This would be a good day to stand up and ask for what's due you. You really have nothing to lose, so just ask.

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