Your Daily MomScope for December 30, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Channel all your child's energy into productive channels today. Find educational pursuits that favor motor skills over verbal ones, such as building a model. Their minds work better when little hands are busy.


With so much to do and learn at day camp or daycare, your little tyke will need to concentrate carefully on making progress. Make sure you support them in their efforts, no matter what they feel able to do.


Today, you may find that you are eager to try out a few new recipes. Pace yourself with the taste tests, though. A nibble here and a sip there can add up to quite a few calories if you're not careful.


Your Domestic Goddess side is highlighted today. You'll most likely work some magic in the kitchen, which will delight your little one and their friends. And your other half will worship the ground you walk on.


Your tyke might see everything as either black or white -- but there is a lot of nuanced gray in between. They might not be able to appreciate on making progress choices, so it will be up to you to encourage them to do so.

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Variety is the spice of life, so why not take your little tyke to a different neighborhood in town to try a new kind of cuisine. What once was 'yucky' might become one of their favorites. Enjoy, and bon appetit.


You may find you need that extra pair of eyes that have sprouted on the back of your head. Make sure that when you take your little one out to run errands with you, you keep them close at hand at all times. You can multitask effectively, too.


Temptation is everywhere today. Your baby may have learned to snatch things off shelves as they ride along in the shopping cart. It may be easier to just buy it for them, but hang tough. They need to learn you aren't made of money.


You can handle this. You can help your tyke get started on that genuine fake leather comb holder for daddy. And dodge your mother-in-law. And prepare a meal for the surprise guests that show up, plus, plus. At least you're not bored!


Go ahead and let yourself go. Dance like no one is watching, laugh until the juice comes out of your nose. Your kiddo won't think any less of you for any little lapses in decorum you might have today. In fact, they may join you.


Butterflies and caterpillars and birds -- oh, my! There are all sorts of amazing things your little one can find in the yard or park, things that today they will seek to discover with your help. Help them to appreciate all they see.


Your favorite heroines can find romance in the most unlikely places. Today, you will find it where you most expect it. Your other half. Your fave getaway spot. Just you two. Go ahead and make them a proposition they can't refuse.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!