Your Daily MomScope for December 28, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Bargains abound at the mall today, which means it'll be tough to stick to the budget. Be firm but fair with the kiddo, especially beside the check-out line. They can't help it that so many appealing items are placed there.


You run the show today, and the kiddo should get ready. You might have an expedition with a cultural theme planned, like a visit to a gallery. Or a family fun one like a trip to the arcade. They just never know.


You really don't feel with-it today, and it's tempting to fake a sick day. Make a small escape instead, like to the spa or salon during your lunch hour. All it will take is a little break to feel energized again.


This is a great day to indulge yourself. First, you don't do it very often. Second, you could do with some pampering. Meet up with the girls for some retail therapy or pedicures or a good old-fashioned gabfest.


A higher up may be wondering when you'll be able to complete a project. Show this person what a capable and can-do person you are. In fact, there's very little you can't accomplish when you put your mind to it today.

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Your little one doesn't always share their toys and games with the other kids. Just remind them that turnabout is fair play, and that the other kids won't want to share in return. Keep this in mind when a co-worker asks to borrow your stuff.


This is a day of indulgences. Of course, that could mean the tyke will get an extra healthy treat in the lunchbox. But it also means you should find time for a manicure or massage or another way of pampering for yourself.


You're up for any challenge but may have to compromise today. A coworker or daycare mom might be a little abrasive, which puts your back up. But if you respond too strongly, things will only escalate. Play it cool.


You love to do everything on the run, including eating. But it might be time to check the fat and sodium content of some of those fast foods you enjoy. Substitute a more nutritious home cooked supper for your family today.


Is it hot enough for you? Well, you're ready to turn up the heat today. You will be planning a passionate interlude with your other half. You'll be able to make it happen, right down to the candles and rose petals.


You can help the kiddo make an important discovery today. There's something that they will want to learn that not all the other kids think about. Plan a trip to the library or an online session to help them with this.


Your creative skills will be appreciated by others today. Perhaps you'll think of a solution to a problem at work that no one else came up with. Or you'll recycle the kiddo's old t-shirts into trendy beachwear. You never know.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.