Your Daily MomScope for December 13, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


The search is on! The tyke may rely on you to find the lost homework or binky. The site least scoured is favored today, so try the most unlikely places. You just never know where you'll find it -- but you will.


This is a good day to remain philosophical. So what if a financial deal that looked promising has fizzled? You haven't really lost anything, and you have more important things to focus on in the future.


Time to be a kid again. Try out for a part in the kiddo's puppet show or wrangle an invite to their tea party. You'll feel renewed and refreshed as you head back to work, and the little ones will be thrilled you pitched in.


You can take it easy today. Keeping up appearances won't seem to be a big issue, which means you can let your hair down. You'll have more fun if you show the tyke how to build that fort under the table rather than just describing it.


What a combo, you're in a party mood and ready for romance. Should you throw a shindig or have a private supper with your other half? Your call, but with some careful scheduling you might manage both!

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


Watch out! You're about to be the center of attention (which you prefer not to be). That's what you get for having such a brilliant and charming baby. You should just enjoy a day of being the darlings of the sandbox set.


You've got big plans for this day and can't wait to launch them. You and the tyke will no doubt be exploring new and unfamiliar territory at the park or mall. Wherever you two go, it's a party. So get going!


If someone tries to persuade you to take a financial risk, ignore them. It's best to stay on a steady path today. The same goes when you take the kiddo to the park; keep on the straight and narrow.


Your tyke had better watch out -- there's no telling what you'll surprise them with today. There might be a smiley face made of fruit on their pancakes. Or a new book on the car seat. They just never know.


You may unconsciously be moving at the speed of light today. In a flash, everything you undertake is completed, which leaves you plenty of time for the family. Do take it more slowly when you hit the road, though.


Get ready to be a social director. There may be an occasion at work that needs your touch. Or maybe the tyke just can't get that tea party to come together. Your ideas will be fun and creative and a big hit.


You should think before you speak today. If you don't, what you say may not match what you intended -- which will lead to misunderstandings. Fortunately, the kiddo knows exactly what you mean whatever the words.

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