Your Daily MomScope for December 12, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Observe your little one as they fearlessly put block on top of block. You, too, know how to build for the future. You'll know exactly where to begin as you create a solid new structure for your career aspirations.


The day may get off to a slow start, what with a moody tyke to contend with. Ask one of the moms at day care to help you distract them. You can always do the same for her when her little one needs cheering up.


The day begins by regrouping your energies, but that soon changes. Your kiddo has a lot on the plate today, which means you do, too. You're always there to support -- and chauffeur -- them whenever they need it.


This is a high energy day, but you'll have even more if pamper yourself. Have a party, do some window shopping or treat yourself to a beauty treatment. You'll be amazed at how refreshed you feel afterwards.


This is a good day to share the warmth. Someone you know who's down on their luck would like from a call or visit. They'll cheer right up at the sound of your voice, and when the tyke sings a song they learned in school.

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Your hard work pays off today. Someone higher up may finally notice those Herculean efforts of yours. Or your tutoring the tyke will be richly rewarded when they count all the way up to five. Bask in the glory; you've earned it.


No matter how much you try to edit, the kiddo's stuff just accumulates. The car really doesn't need a layer of toys on the back seat. See if you can get them to narrow it down to the essentials. It's worth a try.


It's easy to get swept up in the excitement today. There may be a special event at work or day care. But you're able to keep your head when others are losing theirs, which proves very helpful, especially to the tyke.


The time is coming for you to make a big move. Perhaps literally, as in changing residence or applying for a job. In the meantime, those cardboard boxes can easily become a fort for the little one and their friends.


This is a good day for decision-making. If the kiddos keep arguing about which game to play, they'll never do anything. They just need a little guidance to get going in a productive direction.


It might be up to you to break the ice with that new mom in the neighborhood. You know it's not easy for her trying to fit in with a new situation. Ask some other moms to go with you on a welcome visit; the more the merrier.


Some sort of emotional situation may await you at work. It could be a coworker needs your support. Sometimes a little sympathetic listening is all that is needed to turn things around -- and that's your specialty.

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