Your Daily MomScope for August 30, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Usually a solo act, today you'll get a lot done if you work with a group. Maybe you could rally the other moms at playgroup to assist you with a project. You'll get more done and make new friends as you delegate tasks.


People may try to get a rise out of you by acting strangely. Take a cue from the tyke -- whenever anyone makes goofy faces or talks in gibberish, they understand it's all in good fun. Just take others' behavior in stride.


You can't dodge that mom with a clipboard forever. Sooner or later you're going to have to pull your weight with the group or committee. You can make a valuable contribution to the team, and also have a lot of fun if you try.


You'll most likely start the day in your shell. After all, the tyke seems to be in a world of their own, as do most people you meet. But you will break out if you feel strongly enough, so speak up about that issue that impacts your community.


You can get what you want at the family meeting, but only if you moderate your tone. Coming on too strong with the tyke will only provoke a roaring tantrum. Let them have a say, then make your comments, remaining calm and cool.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


You're able to make order out of chaos. Somehow the lost homework is found, breakfast requests filled and everyone is strapped safely in the car seat. And if you take a new route to work, you just might beat the traffic.


At work everyone seems to have forgotten to play nicely. What brings you joy today: Playing a new game with the tyke. Let them pick out one at the store, then take time to teach them the rules, even though it's old hat to you.


Those older family members are right: you have neglected them! Why not bring the tyke over for a visit and to perform the song they learned in school? That should serve to brighten their day and let you fulfill an obligation in style.


The favorable trend continues, and you can meet new people who will prove useful to your aspirations. The only fly in the ointment might be a troublemaking neighbor. If you're tactful, you can get them to see things your way.


It's true the key to improving your financial system lies in who you know. But being too pushy won't get what you want. Speaking of pushy, the tyke may make a strong case for a pricey toy. It's hard to say no, but it will be good for them in the long run.


Time to instigate some change! There's no reason why the tyke won't benefit from small changes to the routine. Try making them pancakes for supper tonight. It will be way more fun than both of you thought, especially if you let them stir the batter.


If everyone seems out to rain on your parade, let it pour. Make like one of your tyke's favorite ducks at the park, who let it all roll right off. You and the tyke have more fun with quiet indoor pursuits like reading and puzzles anyway.

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