Your Daily MomScope for August 27, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Take a chance today and have the little one get acquainted with other another country or culture. A trip to a museum or watching a travelog together might be just the thing. They can learn so much if they open their mind.


Try to see things from your kiddo's perspective. It's not that they like hounding you to stay up past their bedtime, but every once in a while they need the thrill of breaking the rules. Try letting them do so on special occasions.


It's a party! Whether it's a tyke's birthday or just for the heck of it, you and the other half are ready to roll out the carpet. Resist spending too much on the loot bags, though. Who are you really trying to impress?


It may be hard to concentrate today, as the tyke wants to chat. You'll be torn between duty to your job and your child -- but there's an easy compromise. Just limit the tyke to calls during breaks and lunch hour -- problem solved!


You may tend to express yourself a little strongly today, but mostly it works in your favor. A more enjoyable outlet today would be finding a physical one. Why not head off for a rousing game of kickball or go fly a kite with the tyke?

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You're ready for a change! Tackle one of the many home improvement projects -- like revamping the tyke's room -- you've had in mind for a while. Once you've started, you'll find it's easier to pull together than you thought.


Ride the wave of good feelings all around you. Take advantage of the family joy to spend some quality time with the old folks. A round of Snakes and Ladders with one grandparent, followed by hide-and-seek makes for a nice day for the tyke.


You're the soul of generosity today, but don't get caught up in the moment. The tyke may try to take advantage of your good mood to wheedle an expensive toy or video game. There are tons of things you can do together that are fun and free.


Inside information could lead to making a profit today. But mostly you're just extra cheerful for no reason. Show your baby it's possible to smile no matter what. Then not even a dirty diaper or lost blankie will throw them.


You're in a solitary mood, but friends and relations have other ideas. They keep trying to draw you out of your shell. Compromise by attending a small event or two, then focus on your main relationship. The evening hours are passionate and intense.


It's definitely about who you know today. You naturally gravitate toward influential people who can help you with your career or other special project. You make a big first impression, which helps your cause.


This is a good day to acquaint the tyke with the spiritual side of life. Even if you're not religious, they can learn a lot from what other people believe in. It's also a wonderful time to hang out with friends who see the world the way you do.

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