Your Daily MomScope for August 26, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


It's time for some straight talking. Yes, it's tempting to tell them the goldfish ran away or some other tale to cover a difficult subject. But in the end the truth is always best, and the tyke is more resilient than you think.


All that glitters is not gold. Just because a work-from-home scheme seems perfect for a busy mom like you, doesn't mean it is. Conduct a thorough investigation before you make a commitment. There are more solid offers ahead.


It's very tempting to lay down the law today. But if you do the tyke may prove to be a rebel with a cause. If you're willing to compromise and negotiate, though, you'll find you can enforce the rules without triggering any tantrums.


Not every impulse is a good one, but today's urge for some 'me' time is right on target. Escape the everyday for a while if you can. Window shop on your lunch hour, have a manicure or other form of pampering. You'll feel so much better.


You hear the call of the wild, but a full work agenda keeps you chained to the desk today. If you buckle down, you'll most likely clear the pile of work in record time. Which means you and the tyke will be free to explore the park before sundown.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞


You probably can't get out of a family obligation today, so give in gracefully. Of course, if you bring the tyke along most of the attention will be deflected onto them. Isn't it nice they can do this small favor for you?


Gotta love this day. You'll likely have a chore or some detail to attend to, but you'll breeze right through it. Your spirits are high, family members are cooperative, the conversations lively -- everything's going your way!


You're running on the highest octane. Your ambitions are turbocharged, but you may not be seeing the finish line too clearly. Take time to set goals before you put the pedal down. And don't forget to take the tyke on that promised side trip.


A friend may try to rain on your parade today -- but you have plenty of umbrellas! Shrug off the worrywarts and focus on the positive people in your life. Late in the day the party is pretty much anywhere you are.


Catching up on the backlog of work feels right today. As you plow through it you'll find your own productive rhythm. One task you may have neglected involves the tyke and that school or day care project. Be ready to pitch in and make it a rousing success.


You can make that getaway with the tyke if you get organized. Rally a few other moms and propose your big outing. Getting everyone to pitch in and share all the little duties is easier than usual today, especially if you keep your cool.


You're full of high spirits today, which sits well with the tyke. You dive right in to making silly rhymes or other games. The other half, however, is in a more serious mood. Enlist the little one in getting them to lighten up.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙