Your Daily MomScope for August 25, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


It's bound to be one of those days -- when everything goes right! It'll be up to you to start the ball rolling, then just watch the game unfold as you want it to. And you and your other half go into a huddle later this evening.


This coffee station ain't big enough for the two of us! Sometimes power struggles are unavoidable. But if you use some fancy footwork, you'll easily sidestep one at work or down at the day care today by simply steering clear of ornery people.


Your knack for spinning a good yarn could come in handy today. Since your kiddo loves your off-the-cuff stories so much, why wait for naptime or bedtime? Use one to distract them at other times, and they might forget to have a tantrum.


Your good memory might come in handy today. Like when your kiddo comes up with an excuse for being late and you quickly remember they've already used that one. It's too bad for them, but good that you're on to them!


Watch how that little one can have a good time doing anything, and in any situation. All they need is a brightly colored ball or an empty cardboard box. Today you, too, can maximize the good times using minimal resources.

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Your baby is growing so quickly, and may have stumbled upon their calling in life. Prepare to be impressed -- unless their chosen vocation is to play video games all day while you wait on them hand and foot. Put your size 8 down!


Once in a blue Moon, you and your other half are in a romantic mood at the same time. This may be an ordinary night, but it will feel good to know that your partner feels the same way you do today. Make the most of it.


When it comes to your baby's favorite things, they are far less methodical than you today. You like to make sure that all of their toys and games are just so. They like them close at hand, as in strewn all over the floor. Compromise is called for.


Just whistle while you work and you and your baby can get a lot done today. Dance as you tidy up or sing songs while you sweep and dust. Later, puckering up will take on a whole new meaning for you and your other half.


It's a good thing you have all those high-level managerial skills. A planned merger between your little one's playgroup and another may fall through today. It will be up to you to negotiate a new deal.


This is a good day to experiment with the avant-garde. You might wear a trendy new accessory or hairdo to work that will attract attention. Don't expect any reviews from the playground crowd -- their attention is on that sandcastle.


Who doesn't enjoy a good story or nursery rhyme? Today, you can use both your creative imagination and performance abilities to wow the day care set. Get ready for lots of applause and cries for 'encore, encore!'

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