Your Daily MomScope for August 19, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You need some exercise today, but might find it hard to get to the gym. How about a big crawl down the hallway with the tyke? Or some cardio while dancing around the living room? Sounds like a great way to get fit and have fun.


This is a day of surprises, one in which to enjoy all the beauty around you. The tyke will dive into an impromptu garden excursion -- which might mean you'll have to restrain them from seeing if the pretty flowers taste as good as they look.


A productive day, especially for getting things done around the house. During a fall cleanup project you and the tyke get a chance to talk things over. Some of what's on their mind will surprise you, so keep an open mind.


It's good to have a plan today -- just don't expect to be able to stick to it. It'll be the little things, such as the lost binky crisis, that throw you off schedule. At the end of the day, most things will be checked off the list. Hooray!


This is a day to stay flexible while tending to duty. When the little brings home the stray kitten or other potential pet, hear them out before you completely veto the notion. The bottom line: Is the tyke really ready for the responsibility?

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


You'd love to have all toys and games neatly lined up in alphabetical order. Of course, the tyke has other ideas, which today you might want to listen to. It seems they have their own system, which when you think about it really does make sense.


You're sensitive to what other people think of you and the tyke. Another mom at the park is good at unwittingly saying things that offend you. Make like the ducks the kiddo loves to feed in the park, and just let it slide. Let bygones be bygones.


This is a great day for planning. Trouble is, the tyke has it in their head that an impromptu park excursion must be undertaken. Just multi-task, pausing to jot notes on a pad while you push the stroller along the requested route.


If you want to get some exercise, there's no reason the tyke can't come too. Check out a 'mommy and me' yoga class. What with your baby's flexibility, they should be able to asana with the best of them, especially the headstand pose.


It'll be hard to stay grounded today. There's a lot going on, some of which has you walking on air. Like when the teacher starts singing your little one's praises. For now, just bask in the knowledge that you have the best baby in the world.


Your special skills are needed around the playground today. With your insight into group dynamics, you're able to pinpoint the source of the problem between the tyke and friends. Once it's fixed, the tears evaporate.


This is no day to go it alone. You'll want to be around people you care about, so schedule a family visit if you can. Later, it's closeness of another kind that's on your mind. Fortunately your other half shares your need for a passionate interlude.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.