Your Daily MomScope for August 16, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Love is all around you today, and extra hugs from the tyke and other half are just the beginning. It's an optimum time to take a relationship issue off the back burner and discuss it over dinner. After which the sizzling side may be explored.


New alliances are on the agenda today. You might find a mom of like mind on the day care or other committee. Together you're able to accomplish much more than going it alone, although as usual it will take you some time to really get close to her.


Your ruling planet acts up today, making it more difficult to put your ideas into action. Creative thinking works better than logic. Which you prove by coming up with an ingenious way to work in a romantic interlude with your other half.


This is not a great day for big decisions, so go ahead and just bask in the good vibes. Family members warm your heart with kind gestures, and the tyke is ultra-generous with the hugs. Just be happy you're so loved.


It's a very social day for you and the tyke, so save room in the agenda. Your larger-than-life ideas breathe new life into the playgroup meeting. The marching band may be so successful, the gang will take it into the streets!

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The planets may seem to turn against you today, but you easily make it work in your favor. Leave room in the schedule for delays and mix-ups beyond your control, then don't sweat it. And do include the 'me' time you so richly deserve.


Hold off before you sign. Planetary trends are less than stellar for signing important contracts or agreements. Stay as non-committal as you can, except when the tyke requests something healthy like broccoli. Give that one a clear 'yes.'


You'd be wise to read all small print today. The planet that rules clear thinking is out of whack, which means someone may try to get you to sign something you shouldn't. Get a second opinion if you're really unsure.


The planets conspire to create delays and miscommunications, which set nerves on edge. Your famous sense of humor is in high gear, which saves the day. Help others laugh at it all and not sweat all that very small stuff.


Someone may feel more deserving today, wanting the plum parking spot or other perk. You can't win them all, and maybe that person really needs it more than you. Rise above all pettiness, and for this once just let it go.


It's not a good day for signing contracts or trying to figure out the little one's math problems. Leave them for a time when you're more clear-headed. But creative efforts are rewarding, so why not take on the tyke in a finger-painting marathon.


This is no time to get creative when it comes to the tyke's diet. Sometimes fad diets are more about hype than health, so when in doubt check with your pediatrician. One thing's for sure, a balanced menu will be good for both of you.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!