Your Daily MomScope for August 13, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You seem to be message central today. The phone calls, emails and text missives pour in, and somehow it feels just right. Make sure to let the tyke -- who really does need to get a 'goo goo ga ga' in edgewise -- have a turn.


This is a great day to get things done -- as long as you focus on the small stuff you can double up on. Encourage the tyke to sing songs while you run errands. Or, play a game of peek-a-boo while waiting in the checkout line. Time will fly!


It's a really good day to meet and mingle, both on the job and off. Of course, the tyke will most likely be the center of attention at that big social event. But you're all smiles when you see them loving the limelight.


Feeling overwhelmed? It's just a natural part of your emotional cycle. Postpone any activity that puts you in the spotlight while you stay behind the scenes and recharge your batteries. Explain to the little one that sometimes you have quiet days.


It's a great day to welcome the playgroup. The more the merrier as far as you're concerned, and you're the perfect hostess. A chance conversation helps you realize you have more in common with another mom than you thought, which could lead to a new friendship.

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A busy day, but you can get a lot done. Provide the tyke with a big jigsaw puzzle so you and the other half can put your heads together. In concert you become much more than the sum of your parts, which can lead to unison regarding the finer details.


Can we talk? The tyke may amaze you by upping their conversational game, taking great pains to share their thoughts about why naps aren't necessary. And your other half is big on sharing, too -- like chores and innermost feelings.


You need to take a little risk today. Indulge that urge to gamble with a girls-only poker party, strictly penny ante. The talk will be livelier than the play, and the kiddos can play 'Snakes and Ladders' at their own table.


Why not just install a revolving door? That's what it feels like today, with all the comings and goings. Most of the chit-chat is a little light for your taste, but both the tyke and your guests will appreciate the treats you improvise using what's in the pantry.


You're in a fall cleaning mood. It's true there are many toys and games the tyke's not using, but that doesn't mean they're ready to part with them. It'll be easier once you impress upon them how a needy family or charity could use them more.


You may march to the beat of a different drummer, but that doesn't mean your kiddo will always be in step. You may dress to stand out, but let them blend in and be boring if they want. Your other half, though, likes your style just fine.


Another busy day, but productive if you focus on one big project -- like revamping the tyke's room decor. Pick up paint chips, let the little one cut out ideas from magazines, and have a ball planning together. Leave the heavy work for another day.

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