Your Daily MomScope for August 12, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This is a perfect time to initiate some new projects, especially if you need cooperation from others. Prospects are promising for prying your tyke and other half away from the big game onscreen. You just need the right incentive.


You can't put it off any longer. Why not invite a friend to join you as you start a health or fitness routine? You have a better than average chance of succeeding once you have a workout buddy to help keep you on track.


Fun and romance are in the cards for you, if you play your cards right. Dinner for two, a concert by that singer you both love -- it might have to happen at home and on DVD, but you'll both enjoy some diversion and time alone together.


It might be hard to get your loved ones' attention today. Reading the riot act will not be conducive to domestic bliss. Instead, work independently today, and you'll get a lot done while helping restore harmony.


If you missed date night with your other half, this would be a good day to make up for it. Why not go ahead and make a real night of it together -- a special dinner plus a movie and cocktails, even it it's all chez vous.

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Even though it's not your usual style, you need to make a big splash today. Go ahead and dress more flamboyantly than usual. A pair of really dramatic new sunglasses may be all it takes to have that glam movie star feeling.


You couldn't be a hermit today if it were the only job going. You can't help but socialize as other moms seek you out at day care and over at the playground. There's no use fighting it, so give in and make some new friends.


The easy way out for you is to just lay down the law -- but it doesn't make for happy citizens. Today, you should toss some ideas around with your kiddo about how things should be done. Their answers may surprise you.


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, so the saying goes. Today, you may find that this applies to you and that there is a valuable lesson to be learned and someone to instruct you. You just needed to be patient.


You need to get your mind off career concerns. Why not take the kiddo off to hear a children's concert or other cultural pursuits? They'll be enriched by the experience, and you'll find the diversion refreshing.


Where's the party? Wherever you are! Today, you may find yourself put in the middle a lot, which is a great position from which to direct the day in exactly the manner you wish. So just let the good times roll on for you and your tyke.


The key today is to find a balance. Your child can't be expected to play all day long, and you can't work from morning through night. Doing some of each will be the key for both you and your kiddo to have a perfect day.

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