Your Daily MomScope for August 09, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Can you stand yet another breathless heroine being swept off her feet and crushed against a manly chest? Maybe it's time to turf the novels and think about starring in a real-life romance scenario. An interesting plot twist could appear today.


You have wide shoulders, always there for your little tyke to cry on and tell you all their troubles. Today, you'll find it is you who needs to confide in a sympathetic person. You'll feel much better after you call a gal pal or relative.


Telephone, telegraph, tele-tyke? Telephone is a good game for your child to play, but it's no fun for real. A rumor may be making the rounds that got distorted in the telling. Do what you can to get to the bottom of this matter.


You're bound to have strong feelings about people today. Focus on those who share your high hopes for your child, and simply ignore any negative types. Advice will be useful and inspiring, so listen up.


So you said 'go clean your room' and your kiddo heard 'no mean goon?' To make sure you're both on the same page today, try sending clearer messages with no ambiguities. Then they'll know what's what, especially when it comes to chores.

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Did a bomb go off here? No, it's just an average day in your tyke's room! Much as the disorder irritates you, cut them some slack. It will take a while for them to learn the virtues of organization and to come up to your high standards.


Are you tempted to play hide-and-seek with your kiddos -- and then 'accidentally' forget to find them? Keep your head down and stick with current projects, and you'll make great progress today in spite of many interruptions.


This is fun! Your tyke strews toys all over the house, just so you can run around picking them up. Yay. Today, you have some brilliant ideas for new and more mentally stimulating games that are also less tiring for you.


Now that your kiddo is growing and has more stuff, you need a system for keeping track of it. Today, you may find a new way to store all those toys and games that not only make sense but is easy to maintain.


You're chock full of good advice today -- so how come no one is listening? You'll connect better with your coworkers if you preach less and offer more tactful suggestions. This approach will work wonders with your tyke, too. Try it.


Go ahead and speak up! Today, you may have an opportunity to become an advocate for those who have no voice. Whether at work or in a volunteer capacity, there are many good causes that could benefit from your passion.


You can tune into what's really on your baby's mind. Is that angelic smile a sign they're feeling happy -- or trying to cover up a misdeed? Your intuition is finely tuned, so you'll have your answer in an instant.

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