Your Daily MomScope for August 08, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Just because you're the first one to show up at the school or day-care door, doesn't mean they'll let you in! Some things have to happen in their own good time. This evening, that just might be a very steamy scene with the other half.


Yes, yes -- we know your baby just has to have that toy or book or new outfit. What's the hurry, really? Of all moms, you know the best deals come to those who wait a little longer. This would be a good time to impress that fact upon the little one.


You may change your opinion on a few key issues or pressing topics today. The tyke feels strongly about something close to their heart, like the best kind of yogurt or their position on how to hold a sippy cup. Maybe they do know best.


You've got a lot on your plate, and the tyke isn't helping you get through it all. This would be a good day to remind the other half to pull their weight with the child tending. And for a thank you, pick up the fixings for a fave meal.


Watch the kiddo come up with a creative solution to whatever problem they face. Like getting Grandma to give them another of those yummy cookies she baked. You can work similar magic to get what you want today. Go ahead and try it.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Your little one's antics -- complete with kicking and screaming -- seems tame compared to those of certain coworkers. You can bring them both around to sterling behavior in the same way: Reward the good and ignore the bad. It'll get 'em every time.


It seems like it's all on you. Your diplomatic skills put you squarely in the middle at work or the day care. But you play the role of peacemaker with style, and at the end of the day it was much easier to resolve than you thought.


You may get a jolt when you discover what the tyke expects of you. Like finishing the school project for them plus making a special treat for the class -- and all before breakfast. Just do what you can, then let them sort it out.


Your usually abundant energy shifts into overdrive today. You'll get even more done if you set clear goals, like getting that project done in record time so the boss will give you a couple of hours off later to take the kiddo to a movie.


'Never stop until you get to the top' is your motto. Your drive toward a promotion or other goal may seem to have hit a roadblock, but it's only temporary. Meanwhile, you're definitely the one to watch with the kiddo.


It's a good day for seeing the pattern of things. Why not help baby learn to tell the star from the rectangle, and that the square block won't go in the round hole. It could be you've been repeating something that's non-productive as well.


It's easy for the little one to pull the wool over your eyes. You may be so focused on getting the grocery shopping done that you fail to notice all the extra items those quick little hands cab pull off the shelves. Remain vigilant and clear-sighted.

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