Your Daily MomScope for April 27, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This might be one of those days for your baby. What with all the new faces and games and remembering the sunscreen, their emotions might get the better of them. Just remember to give them some downtime and a few extra hugs, and all will be fine.


Take a step back if you want to get the big picture today. You may have such a passion for all of your undertakings that you might not recognize the full effect while embroiled. You need a little distance and detachment to see clearly.


This would be a good day to review some basic health and hygiene rules with the kiddo. Such as the one about slathering on sunscreen and how often. And even though flu season is over, hand washing is still a good thing.


Brace for some emotional intensity today. Your baby may be going through a lot of changes, and dealing with some pretty tough issues. All they really need is a shoulder to cry on and a treat -- then it's all smiles once more.


Rely on your intuition today. Your baby is wrestling with deep feelings today, and it's up to you to help them make sense of it all. Encourage them to lighten up and take things in their stride, and they'll be all smiles.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


It's a good day to fulfill a family obligation. Maybe you have to return a favor or just help out where it's needed. In either case, the good deed is its own reward, and you're setting a very good example for your little one.


There is a significant chance that someone you meet today will turn out to be a friend for many years to come. You may bond over talk of blankies and binkies, but a profitable business opportunity could follow. Be alert.


It's not easy to transform from mom to seductress -- but you're willing to give it a try today. When you and the other half find some time alone, you can use your magnetism to create some memorable romantic moments.


You may be feeling a little moody and slow today. Why fight it? Your little one won't mind spending some quality time staring into space, up at the sky or out the window. It's how the seeds of inspiration are planted.


You may have delayed helping the kiddo get organized longer than you think. The tip off: Neither one of you can remember the color of the carpet in their room. Once you find a place for all the toys and games, it will reappear.


This would be a good day to show your kiddo the value of being socially useful. It's never too soon for them to give back to the community, no matter how small their contribution. You can help them figure out how to do this.


There are times, like today, when you must encourage your tyke to get involved in things they are unsure of. Let them know which to give a try and which to walk away from. It's an important distinction for them.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.