Your Daily MomScope for April 22, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You want to do your best to prevent any health concerns for your little tyke. Now that your little one is growing, they get around more. Accidents can happen almost anywhere, so give your home and the surrounding area a safety checkup.


You're in a very affectionate mood today, so why not spread it around? Give your little tyke an extra hug or two just because. And Dad certainly won't object to a few caresses -- though you should both wait until lights out.


This would be a great day to catch up on the correspondence. There are so many people far away who are eagerly waiting for news of your tyke's progress. Select the best photos and videos, compose a note and hit 'send.'


You can help your tyke communicate today. There are some words that have more power than others. For instance 'please' and 'thank you' will have a positive effect, no matter how old they get to be. They really can't go wrong.


You're in a thrifty mood -- a rare occurrence for luxury-loving you, but a good thing for the budget. If anyone knows how to look chic on a dime it's you, and you can get the tyke togged out in the height of fashion without blowing a bundle.

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This is a great day to start a new project, whether a pet activity or side business. You're good at identifying the details that must be addressed. For today, you should focus on that and leave the big picture to others.


The nagging voice in your head is correct. There is something your little one is worried about but isn't sure if they should say anything. Encourage them to get it off their chest -- you'll both feel better once it's in the open.


You and your baby can make some great new friends today. Why not invite the playgroup over for a fun play date? The little ones can hang out and play some games while the grownups have a snack and get better acquainted.


Your little one may rush ahead today -- and you know it will all end in tears. Of course you could let them learn this for themselves. It's much safer for them to hang back with you for now, and you should insist that they do so.


This would be a great day to tackle any project that requires planning. You're able to cut through red tape or contract negotiations with surgical precision, which is a big help with a work matter or getting approval for renovation plans.


Look beneath the surface today. That new kid your tyke is so chummy with keeps scratching their head. It could be nothing, but then again it could be something you don't want your child near. Best investigate forthwith.


Someone who comes into contact with your child today may be a bit too critical. You might suggest to them that they keep their unhelpful opinions to themselves. And help your little one grow a thicker skin, which is always helpful.

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