Your Daily MomScope for April 21, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Follow through on that to-do list as best you can today. It's one of those days when it's difficult to accomplish as much as you want to. Just do your best and see if you can get the tyke to chip in with the home chores.


Ready or not, here it comes! A fun day is on tap for you and your little one. They can always be counted on to make up games at the drop of a hat. And today you're ready to jump right in and partake of whatever is happening.


You have great insight into how things work today. So when your baby's new toy or furniture arrives in a big box with thousands of pieces and sketchy instructions, you'll know just what to do. Or who to call to help you!


What to do? This would be a perfect day for you and your tyke to make some big plans. It could be whom to include on the guest list for their birthday party or which theme park to visit next. What matters is that you work together.


Others may notice that you're much more introverted than usual these days. Little do they know this is because you are pondering all the details of an important matter that's really none of their business. In time you may let them know.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Be prepared to lend a hand to a neighbor or friend, or to pitch in with a community project today. You're always ready to help in any way you can, and today you can make a valuable contribution to something or someone you care about.


Encourage your little tyke to let go of any grudges. So what if another child wouldn't share their favorite stuffed animal or building blocks? Holding on to their anger for a long time will only hurt themselves. They should take it in stride.


Another mom from day care or playgroup may take you in her confidence today. No wonder -- you are one of the most discreet people going, plus you're very understanding. Offer her your best advice and promise to keep it under your hat.


When the playground's arockin', don't come aknockin'! You adore your baby and are fond of their friends -- but sometimes when they all get going, it can be too much. Tone them down with some structured activities and you'll all be better off.


You and your little tyke can get a lot done today if you're prepared to multitask. You'll be amazed at how much homework can be completed while accompanying you on an errand run. It's more productive than simply driving you crazy!


Exercise caution in all your exchanges today. That mom who seems so nice and in whom you're tempted to confide may turn out to have a very different agenda. When in doubt, keep to yourself.


This is a great day to encourage your little tyke to start that new project, be it a block tower skyscraper or A-list tea party. With you there to minimize distractions, they can really focus and pull it together.

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