Your Daily MomScope for April 18, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You may have a chance to move homes today -- or to change up your space so that it feels new. Your little tyke already has designs on a more grownup space -- but tell them the in-room refrigerator and juice bar are out.


Socializing and food -- what a wonderful combination! This is a good day to enjoy both away from your kiddo. You might meet the girls for lunch and a gabfest, or invite a couple of coworkers to join you.


Today, you may find the kiddos can be surprisingly moody. There are two solutions -- give in to their every whim or show them how to kick the blues. You know which is best in the long run, and should go with that one for sure.


The old saying holds true today: You won't get what you don't ask for. For that reason, it's a good time to be assertive. You'll never know if you're in line for that raise or promotion unless you speak up.


Your knack for being naturally warm and supportive of others will come into play today. There could be someone new at the playgroup or day care center or the office who is a bit down. You'll find the right uplifting words.

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This a great time for you and your little tyke to try to organize the nursery. Sometimes you must pull everything out and step back and look, so a new system can be in order. Go ahead and take the plunge today.


Oops! Your routine not quite going as planned? If you can take all disruptions in stride, it will be a wonderful day. You know just how to save the day if the tyke's big tea party or puppet show runs into trouble.


You may start to notice that you become impatient with your child if they're not progressing as quickly as you think they should. Ease up and offer them unconditional support -- it's the best way to make positive change.


You and your little tyke may find your schedules are completely mismatched today. Encourage them to find ways to keep busy on their own. Cultivating independence is good for them, and having a break is good for you.


This is no day for shady messages, but rather to deal squarely with the issues at hand. You have but to confront a coworker about a misunderstanding and poof! All will be resolved. Same goes for the tyke about that fibbing thing.


It's a do-it-yourself day. When your little one asks you to do something for them that they really, really could do on their own, say DIY. Think of what a sense of accomplishment they'll have when they do complete it.


Performing is in your kiddo's blood. Since they most likely inherited this trait from you, the least you can do is find a way to encourage them to get out there front and center. Let them revel in all the applause and praise.

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