Your Daily MomScope for April 16, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


It's easy to shoot from the lip today -- and regret it later. Even though you have a lot to get off your chest with your little one, it's best to think before you speak. You don't want to unintentionally injure tender feelings.


As that book the tyke likes so much says: 'Slow and steady wins the race.' It's tempting to tackle your to-do list full throttle, but you'll get more done if you slow it down to a steady pace. At least for today.


So the kiddo 'lost' their homework? You'll find it in nothing flat. In fact, you're on to all their schemes and not much gets past you. At work you might find the fatal flaw in someone's big plan, but should be tactful when pointing it out.


A walk on the wild side is very appealing today. Perhaps you and the kiddo will venture into the jungle that is your backyard or a nearby park. Ladybugs and bumblebees and who knows what critters in the underbrush. Oh my!


This is a good day for a brainstorming session. Why not call a family meeting for this evening? There will be some lively exchanges as everyone puts their two cents in, and your tyke has plenty to contribute to the process.

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A logical approach works best today. You may score points with the boss when you're able to effectively analyze a difficult situation. And the little one will be relieved to know there really are no monsters under the bed.


Can we talk? This is no time to rehash the same old same old. Since your little one is learning new things every day, encourage them to share some of what they've experienced. It could be a real eye-opener for you.


Be prepared for minor details that could trip you up today. Maybe your little tyke will wait until the last minute to get you to help them finish that big science or social studies project. Take it in your stride and offer what help you can.


Overdue for some romance? If you're prepared to improvise, you can work a romantic tryst with your other half into the schedule today. Spring a lunchtime picnic or other surprise on them whenever and wherever your spirit moves you.


This would be a good day to acquaint your child with a police person or other figure of authority. It's good for them to know whom they can turn to if trouble looms. If they're the kind that rides around on a horse, so much the better!


Quick -- how many imaginary vehicles can you make out of a cardboard box? With so much creative thinking around, undoubtedly a great many. And if you put your mind to it, you can find endless ways to keep the kiddo occupied today.


Creativity is important to both you and your little tyke. And today would be a good day to focus on your own vehicles of expression. Scribble in your journal, write some poetry or crop some scrapbook pages -- whatever appeals to you.

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