Your Daily MomScope for April 15, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


'Busy as a bee' doesn't even start to describe it! Your schedule, that is. Try to squeeze in a visit with a neighbor you haven't seen for a long time. You'll enjoy the chance to catch up, and for your tykes to bond over juice boxes.


Take ample time today to communicate your feelings to your little one. Perhaps they express themselves too strongly and unwittingly wound the feelings of a sibling or friend. They need you to tell them what's what.


Time waits for no tyke. Hit the road early so neither of you will miss out on anything. By bedtime they'll be missing their pillow. But you'll still have enough energy to make your other half an interesting proposition.


Need some time to yourself? Today, more than usual, you will want to pare back your schedule to a minimum. There's a certain comfort in tending to the small chores, such as giving that scraggy blankie a good wash.


Some lessons should last for a lifetime. This is a wonderful day to provide your little one an opportunity to mingle with other children who are different from them. They'll learn a lot about diversity from these exchanges.

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Today you and your other half may find you want to get away from it all together. It's not that you want to leave the little one with Grandma forever, it's just that you need a little twosome time for practical matters, and less-so.


This would be a good day for your tyke to experience new things. If their nose is always on a computer screen, take them to the library. If they're a bookworm, buy them a computer game. They need to change it up today and so do you.


Temptation is everywhere today for you and the little one. The aisles may abound with bargains, and it's natural to want to take advantage. But in the end, neither of you really need most of what you see, so limit yourselves.


All talk and no action is not the best policy today. You can discuss the virtues of homework until you're blue in the face. Best leave the tyke to get on with it, then make sure to reward them once they've finished all assignments.


Flighty people may be all around you today -- but enough about your in-laws! Seriously, you can still get a lot done if you practice self-reliance as much as possible. It's the most efficient way to go now.


Ready for a sizzling affair? A romantic trend means that's what any rendezvous with your partner will feel like today. Take advantage of it and plan on a little tryst -- however brief -- together tonight after lights out.


Make 'maybe' the watchword today. Other moms will try to get you to do all kinds of things -- right when your schedule is already packed. Rather than over-commit yourself, just use the magic word to gain some breathing room.

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