Your Daily MomScope for April 02, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Release the hounds! The tyke needs help finding the lost homework or binky or whatnot. You may have to seek in the most unlikely of places -- but all that matters is that you find it in the end. And you will.


The tortoise beats the hare today. Let the tyke spring their surprises: A last-minute project to prepare for school or a dish of bake-sale brownies to bake because they 'volunteered' you. Just take everything as it comes -- you'll do just fine.


Mid-spring madness makes you feel like a kid again. Maybe if you asked nicely, you could take part in the kiddo's puppet show or wrangle an invite to their tea party. The little ones will be thrilled to have you around.


Got to work, get the kiddo to day care, attend that committee meeting, pick up something for dinner -- small wonder some days your energy wanes. It will return if you take time to regroup now and then -- like today.


One thing's for sure: If you belong to a group, sooner or later you're going to be bothered by pettiness. You can always find a way to rise above such nonsense. Today you may be called upon to give your kiddo a lesson in this.

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Rise and shine -- you've got a lot to do today including getting everyone out the door on time. The day unfolds pretty much as you wish. Especially if you wish for a little get-together with your other half after lights out tonight.


This is a good day to get projects launched. Whatever you turn your hand to has a better than average chance of taking flight. Just keep an eye on the kiddo, who might be tempted to test the principles of aeronautics -- using homemade wings.


Your little one would benefit from some wisdom of the elders today. It might come from an older relative or friend, or from someone you often meet at the park. Let them absorb the many lessons within the experiences of these people.


Confidence is key today. Yours may get a big boost when you receive favorable feedback about an impressive performance during a presentation or meeting. Encourage your little one to enjoy similar success at show-and-tell.


Ever notice how your little one fearlessly dares to dream their biggest dreams? You should do the same today. Even though you might not be able fully realize them today, if you persevere virtually anything is possible.


You've got big plans for this day and can't wait to launch them. You and the tyke will no doubt be exploring new and unfamiliar territory at the park or mall. Wherever you two go, giggles and mirth seem to follow. Get it in gear!


Who knows best? Around the office, it's the boss (whether they really do or not). If you just keep your head down and get your work done, you'll be fine. Once you get home, it's a case of mom knows best -- always.

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