Your Daily Work Horoscope for November 18, 2022

Your Daily Work Horoscope for November 18, 2022. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Your intuition is screaming directions at you, so slow down and listen up -- you'll regret your decision to ignore your gut instinct. You might doubt yourself at first, but it should soon be abundantly clear that you are on the right path.


It will be all too easy -- and tempting -- to overreact to the next big snafu that comes down the pike. When you hear about it, turn away, breathe deeply, go to the gym or do whatever else it takes to avoid blowing up. Don't engage your emotions in this one.


Shut your door, if you have one, and let your coworkers have it out among themselves. You don't need to insert yourself in their soap operas, and they'll shut up soon enough, once they're able to vent grievances and work out their differences.


Workplace politics are getting uglier by the hour -- but you should keep it clean and stay as far away from the drama as possible. Your reputation might be the only one that survives the current round of bloodshed, as long as you remain impartial.


Anything extra you send toward your clients or supervisors will come back to you in a big way. Think of it as an investment in goodwill, one that will pay off in concrete terms. Just don't hold your breath -- it may not come to fruition immediately.

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Try to look as broadly as possible for fresh faces -- employees, vendors and customers. It's not as if you're in a rut locally, but you will somehow find it easier to connect over long distances. Good people are ready to make the move.


You can't stand the tension any longer -- it's up to you to say something direct that will take the edge off this foul workplace mood. It won't be as hard as you think; and in fact, you might score a few big points toward some sort of advancement.


You can see how to fix procedures, which will eventually bump up productivity -- and for once nobody will stand in your way. Get busy and enlist the help you'll need to set things right again. This is definitely not a solo venture.


It's time for you and your team to be firm about your needs. Though you can usually get farther with negotiation, you must make it plain that some things are off the table and not up for discussion. Nothing garners respect like standing your ground.


Most of your important tasks will get done practically on their own, leaving you plenty of time and energy for networking and brainstorming new ideas. Make sure you include your peers and supervisors in the process.


Listen to your instincts and follow them wherever they lead. It's going to be a great day no matter what you're up to. If you're in sync with your deep psyche, you'll do the impossible. Some people might have to see it before they believe it.


A patina of complacency has settled in -- it's time to shake things up in your workplace, just enough to keep people thinking and reacting clearly. You are in a good position to start new initiatives, especially if they focus on productivity.

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