Your Daily Work Horoscope for May 21, 2023

Your Daily Work Horoscope for May 21, 2023. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


You're destined to get there. It's finding the best approach that's the hard part. Stay grounded, because flying off the handle is definitely not an appropriate line of attack.


Things are moving so slowly at work that you won't even be missed. Go ahead and take a personal day. You'll be that much more motivated and meticulous tomorrow.


Being thorough means different things to different people. Fussy and painstaking are only two of the pejoratives. Don't let that keep you away from the details. Be nitpicky if that's what it calls for.


People look to you for answers, but you don't have the time. You have to take care of yourself today. They'll have to come up with some responses on their own.


Use your powers of concentration. You don't have to bend spoons or levitate to make a big impression. You are able to do that with the sheer force of your intellect.

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Your plans may not go perfectly, but they won't go at all if you don't come up with any in the first place. "The sky's the limit" should be your motto when coming up with something to do.


You're a creature of habit. You may think your day is ruined if your routine is altered even slightly, but the opposite is true. If you keep an open mind, you can have a stellar day, novelty and all.


Not everyone can stay at their desk for that long. How do you stay so focused? Is it willpower or lack of outside interests? Either way, make sure you get compensated accordingly.


You are happy to be of service, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Someone else's demands are stifling your own work efforts. Put your own responsibilities first for a change.


Now is not the right time to initiate any big new processes. Things are moving as slowly as molasses in winter, but you should wait until things are bit more up to speed.


Don't just spend time with others who are like you. Stretch yourself a bit. You can connect with people on many levels. Intellectual and romantic are just two examples.


You may not have friends in high places to bail you out, but your coworkers can be of assistance. Don't wait until it's too late. Asking for help is the cement that bonds colleagues.

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