Your Daily Work Horoscope for July 17, 2023

Your Daily Work Horoscope for July 17, 2023. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


If your only dream is of success, you'll have a hard time making it happen. Blind ambition won't get you where you want to go. Spend time coming up with a true purpose.


Don't play a game of tug-of-war. Someone may be acting outrageous so that you have to be conservative. Make others own their approach, and keep yours just as you want it to be.


Your ideals are not as set in stone as you might think. You could be influenced by just about anyone today, so make sure you're listening to someone who can lead you in the right direction.


When you're not picking up any signals, it's hard to decide which way to go. Never ignore you emotions, but when you have none, pay attention to your intellect.


Being inflexible only flames egos on all sides, which won't help the situation. Be open to moving laterally, and coworkers will appreciate your adaptability.

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You're tempted to take out your passive-aggressive arsenal. That's why it's a good day to be alone. At a minimum, you're feeling willful. Why subject others to your emotions?


No one can be successful alone. Use your intellect to understand coworkers. Think for a moment about what motivates them, then set that in motion.


That nagging desire is back. Keep your urge to redecorate focused on your own home. You don't have the cooperation of coworkers to refurbish the office, and you don't have the time either.


It's not what you know, it's who you know, and you don't know enough. There's no opportunity like the present to meet new people, so spend the day pressing the flesh.


No one has a crystal ball. Don't waste time fretting about the future. Even if things don't go as planned, there will be plenty of opportunities to change your approach.


Don't let your excitement make you spin in circles. Harness it instead, and rope in others. It's perfect for instigating change, especially since it's of the infectious variety.


Do whatever it takes to stay focused today, though it won't be easy! If you have to keep drinking coffee or turn off your phone, so be it. Today's business is more important than it seems.

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