Your Daily Work Horoscope for April 28, 2023

Your Daily Work Horoscope for April 28, 2023. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Finishing is becoming a real problem. You're in the home stretch, though, so don't give up. One big push and it's done, so get to it.


Not sure why colleagues don't want to hear your tales of woe? They've got them memorized. Save them for your friends. They'll be a lot more compassionate.


You're dreaming about change, but try to be more specific. With your blurry picture, you won't get far. Imagine exactly what you want and then figure out how to get it.


That final portion is screaming to be attended to today. Rev yourself up in whatever way you can. It doesn't require particularly good energy. Caffeine will do the trick.


Once burned, twice shy. You've learned an important lesson the hard way. The next time you see something that glitters, which may be soon, don't assume it's gold.

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Not a lot will get done today if you do all the talking. Other people have valuable opinions to offer, so spend some time listening.


You've been back and forth over this one too many times today. Make a decision and stick to it. Whether or not it's the right one isn't as important as finally getting started.


Your boss doesn't understand the creative process, so you'll have to explain it. Spending time in your own head is a necessary step, so lobby for a larger space.


It's one of those mornings. No amount of caffeine can get you excited about your day. Luckily for you, no one will notice if you sleepwalk your way from nine to five, so enjoy.


Office memos are the wrong place to exhibit your creative writing talents. Save them for more a more appropriate need to connect with others and your readers will be impressed, not annoyed.


You're really pushing it today. You're a good worker, but everyone has their limits, even your boss. It's time to store up points, not spend them.


Now that you've finished a major project, it's time to do something for yourself. Treat yourself well today and watch your energy level rise.

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