Your Daily Work Horoscope for April 16, 2023

Your Daily Work Horoscope for April 16, 2023. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


You could charm your way to the top, but there's a much easier way to get there. Find out from others what's expected of you, and then initiate appropriate projects.


Being bored doesn't mean it's time to start job hunting. Today, it means you're getting lazy. Find small ways to spice up your routine, like tackling all the minor details you've been putting off.


Have lots of good ideas but only two hands, one head, and 24 hours in each day? Delegate, delegate, delegate. Go ahead and start plenty of projects that others can finish.


Don't take work home. Your domestic bliss will be seriously challenged if you do. As hard as it sounds, you'll get further ahead by leaving work on your desk for tomorrow.


Friendship and work can go hand in hand, for the right people. You and a coworker are a good combination in and out of the office. Others may or may not agree with you, so keep it to yourselves.

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Buying birthday presents is optional, but making sure they are meaningful is a must. If you can't figure out the right level of giving for a colleague, stick to a cake or skip it altogether.


Prepare to win, not fail. Your instinct is to back down as soon as your goal is in sight, but don't let that happen this time. You're flirting with success, so keep it up.


Why are some decisions so much harder than others? The reason lies in your subconscious. How would you interpret your pencil sharpening or those daffodil doodles? Think about it today.


Why save fun and laughter for off-hours? You can have them at work too. As long as you know when and where to draw the line, go ahead and enjoy yourself.


Butting heads with your boss doesn't exactly set the stage for success. Pick just the right time to ask for a raise. Otherwise, keep your lips zipped and get to work.


Being detail oriented gives you plenty of insight into how things work. Now it's time to zoom out. Apply your insights to the panoramic view.


Instead of thinking about how much others owe you, why not think about ways you're indebted? The balance sheet isn't as tilted in your favor as you imagine. Go out and lend a hand at work.

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