Your Daily HomeScope for September 26, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You gave your neighbor a seasonal pie in which you accidentally halved the sugar. Perhaps you've really forgotten about the garden shears you'd borrowed last month and now you overhear that people should be wary of lending to you. Whatever your faux pas -- forgotten item or mistake -- remedy things right away as your reputation is your top concern.


Organic is clearly superior to conventional, especially when off-season peppers are concerned. Equally important is to compost all of your food scraps and use a natural detergent for children's clothing (or anyone with sensitive skin). You may be positive that your way is the right way, but resist the urge to preach to either the needy or converted.


Recipes seem to be missing major ingredients and a sweater pattern your friend swears by seems to be less than complete. Simple instructions may be baffling today -- try to accept the lack of clarity and trust in these time-tested formulas.


Try not to bring your nagging co-workers or the frustration of unsolved mysteries of the water cooler talk to the sanctuary of your home. Take a few deep breaths when you exit the office and make your way to the market with one thing on your mind -- the enjoyment of cooking a healthy meal for your household.


Your housemate might bring home an exquisite watercolor from her studio that would look divine in your living room, but that might mean relegating your (clashing) attempt at oil painting to the recreation room or even the hall closet. Congratulate her on her talent and know your living room will glow more brightly with brilliance if you keep your ego in check.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You have nothing but fun on your mind today and can't help but make animals and forms out of pancake batter and play air guitar with the broom. Let this spirit infect the gathering you're planning -- think costume parties, kickball, finger painting and build-your-own-pizzas.


There is something a bit off-kilter in your household and it's up to you to set the balance straight. Perhaps there's too much organization to chaos in your design and placement of knickknacks or your fridge is holding far more dairy than the other food groups. Make it your point to search for unusual aspects in need of equilibrium.


Take your laptop on a tour of your home and garden and write emails (that you've been meaning to write) from different locations. A couple of sentences describing the design and feeling from your vantage point will provide inspiration and a peephole into your life and creativity.


Parsley is your inspiration today -- a hearty herb that can withstand the elements. Experiment with both the curly and flat leaf varieties, using wild garlic and scallions as welcome companions. Your casseroles, sauces and salads will feel the refreshing lift.


You've never tried marinating crisp and peppery radishes in a vinaigrette, but they turn out to be a healthy hit that leaves your household wanting more. Similarly, experimenting or adding other ingredients such as garlic and Gorgonzola to a basic sauce will bring nothing but positive results and watering mouths when poured over broccoli and cauliflower.


Today would be perfect for starting a juice fast to detoxify and restore your body's cells or to embark upon a deep cleaning that will rejuvenate and revitalize your home. You have the sense of discipline to start major projects involving restrictions on your diet and/or free time.


You desperately want to offer your kitchen for cooking classes to help you and your friends learn to cook new and exotic cuisines, but you won't get much further than a pile of cookbooks if you don't find a leader with some expertise. Consider each of your focusing on a certain ethnic cuisine or cooking style, and then later sharing your knowledge and experimentation with others.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞