Your Daily HomeScope for September 16, 2021

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Find a certain happiness deep down inside of you. The air is charged with it, so go along for the ride. Bring the joy home with freshly picked flowers -- a new handmade wreath is just what the interior designer ordered. Infuse your home and your life with this fabulous sensation.


Your home is a cool and comforting beacon tonight. After a light bowl of gazpacho and watching a movie in your pajamas, you may feel a bit drowsier than you had anticipated. So you won't get to the embroidered flowers tonight, but you will get a fabulous night of rest.


Yes, your potted plants could stand to be re-potted -- their leaves are looking yellowish and their growth seems to be stunted. Your best bet is to enlist the help of an expert. If you can find out what's causing the problem, you won't have to deal with this chore come next summer.


Though your nature is usually kind and reflective, and you're more prone to suggest than nag, you must be firm with instructions tonight. If you need something done your way, ask for it specifically. Otherwise, you'll get someone else's version of your requests.


You will have an unconscious desire for vegetables and whole foods this evening; enjoy the crisp texture of an in-season mango or the peppery taste of fresh, locally grown parsley. Avoid rich foods today -- they will make you feel slow and unsatisfied. Go with your healthy cravings.

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Take an extra half hour to yourself this morning. This small but deservedly selfish act will make the day flow smoothly and allow you to keep a smile on your face. After all, being relaxed will help you find immediate solutions to challenges.


The first thing to go will be your coffee and newspaper, and after that it will be your usual shower time. A house full of guests may seriously infringe on all of your habits and creature comfort routines. Surrender your newspaper for conversation, and learn to shower whenever the bathroom is available.


Goals and deadlines are not the same, so when it comes to figuring out your house remodel, factor in contingencies, such as weather and your contractor's other projects. Even if your timeline is flexible, make sure you get an end date. You don't want this project going on longer than necessary (and costing more in the end).


A tureen full of cold-melon soup and a bottle of Pinot Grigio for the host may be ready to go on the stairs, but at the last minute you may decide not to go to the party. Follow your mood today, and get ready to make some quick apologies when you suddenly change plans.


Out of a room of smiling, laughing people, it may be hard to spot the one person not having such a great time. Though you may want to entertain the masses, spend time focusing on the one person in need. A quick, meaningful talk in the kitchen could quell this person's doldrums.


You didn't exactly want to spend the day baking hundreds of cookies, but a friend in need combined with a good cause may find you bending over backward. See this task as test of patience, a healthy challenge, and a chance to help out a friend who has come to your aid countless times.


Don't waste a thing today. Make crafts out of unusual materials -- lighting fixtures out of driftwood or charm bracelets out of game pieces. And wherever you can, try to use every bit of food in your fridge, giving scraps to the dog, or better yet, to your compost pile.

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