Your Daily HomeScope for October 27, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


If you found yourself lying in bed this morning, contemplating the meaning of a dream, you will have had a little glimpse of the spirit of your day. And though we can't know the exact meanings of our dreams, you will walk around in a state that is slightly unclear, but somehow comfortable in its nebulousness.


You were so appreciative when your neighbor shared her homemade pickled beans with you last year that you've been dying to figure our how to return the favor. It looks as if she could benefit from the seedlings growing in your greenhouse. Sharing and giving are essential parts of your day.


Go ahead and tell your housemate there's no way you'd want to paint the hallway the color of that swatch. You might as well be honest. Do your best to communicate things today that you've been meaning to get off your chest.


It is beyond you how your sister never learned to sew, but today would be the perfect day to show her the basics and send her on her way with a pillow she can throw on her couch tonight. Share your skills for handiwork with a loved one who could use a little DIY instruction, inspiration and encouragement.


All that glitters is not gold. Seemingly amazing deals that have you squealing with excitement really might be too good to be true. Be wary of suspiciously inexpensive offers, and hamburgers and chips that claim to be good for you. Open your egg carton to check for cracked eggs!

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Just because your partner wants to paint the bedroom deep pine green while you'd prefer a light and sunny yellow doesn't mean that your relationships is about to be on the rocks. Be wary of making mountains out of molehills and taking differences of opinion as something more than the spice of life.


You'll need to work hard to keep from being distracted today as you accomplish a great deal in the garden. If you want to check your items off the list, you'll have to work hard keeping your shoulder to the wheel.


You're inclined to learn how to make handmade lace so you can strew romantic doilies around the house. Similarly, you're attracted to vintage wallpaper and fabrics that call back to a time when people wrote handwritten love letters scented with perfume and pressed flowers.


You may have trouble getting your feet off the ground today, especially if you spend the morning lazily lounging around the house. Make it a point to take a brisk walk through the woods or a nearby park. Let the crisp air and lovely blooms of rhododendrons inspire you to take your day by the reins.


Pick up your old journal or write a real letter to an old friend. Begin by describing the scene you are in and your surroundings that you've so lovingly tended to, decorated and cared for. Let yourself get lost in the description and your creative ways that bring her into the moment.


You may have promised to help your niece sew her prom dress and your housemate is anxiously awaiting your assistance to bake his first loaf of bread. Everyone seems to want a piece of your talents and skills, but be careful to put your own needs first today and don't spread yourself too thin.


You may be trying to be conservative and save for a trip or a new tool set, but you still need to treat yourself every once in a while. Today is a day to go ahead and order a cappuccino rather than regular coffee, and buy yourself the cashmere yarn just because it feels so divine.

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