Your Daily HomeScope for October 23, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Antiques lose their value when refurbished so think twice before you strip that table. Get a professional appraisal before you go sanding anything -- you may have a priceless treasure in your possession.


Use tact in your conversations today, even if others do not. Take a walk if you must to shed feelings of anger. The leopard lily emits a poisonous sap, so be sure to wash your hands after trimming this plant.


Items that you give and emotional alignment to your goals can help keep your focus. The Glory Lily climbs fast and produces beauty just as you intend to do with your new business. Deadhead regularly to increase the number of flowers.


Biting into a crunchy apple may keep the doctor away but your girl friends will want to gather at your home again and again when you serve fruit soup with mint tea base. It makes a lovely surprise at luncheon as an unusual appetizer.


You will find the perfect florist today. Gardenias are part of the wedding bouquet of your dreams, but you may need to choose something with a less aromatic scent for the corsages. Not everyone appreciates the strong scent as much as you do.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Your mother taught you to make the bed every day when you got up because it made the room look cleaner. The idea that you didn't make it today nags you. Be glad it is really nothing serious and let your feelings of not doing enough depart.


Practicing to sing a duet in the spring choral concert has your psyche and your stomach full of butterflies. Chamomile tea is excellent for softening the jitters. You are naturally good or the director would not have given you the thumb's up during auditions.


You will be tempted to be greedy and overindulge your taste buds with the cookies you bake. Put half the dough in the freezer so you can bake cookies again another day.


Bring spring into your home regardless of the actual season. A gorgeous bouquet of colorful flowers by your front entryway will leave you smiling as you leave for work every morning, and then welcome you home at night. And the smell -- heaven!


A poker face will serve you well today. Banana liqueur keeps the bananas from turning color in your banana mousse.


Impatiens should be impatient with a bright profusion of flowers. It wants fertilizer once a week. When you go out today, impatient for the next thing that life has to offer, remember to savor the tiny moments too.


What seemed like a good idea at the time may seem like work now, but the reward will be substantial. Preparing for your yard sale means taking the time to label you items with price tags that will not mar the finishes.

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