Your Daily HomeScope for October 21, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


The kitchen knives you inherited decades ago went blunt a while back. Now for the first time in years, you've treated yourself to a new set of knives. You won't believe what a difference it will make in your cooking. Is it possible that vegetables taste better when cut with a sharp knife?


As others in your household succumb to laziness, many ordinary tasks will go undone. When the dishes pile up in the sink, don't get too self-righteous. Perhaps you could stand to give into the deliciousness of relaxation yourself!


No matter how many times you explain how important it is to fold the laundry as soon as it is out of the dryer, someone in your house just won't get it. Instead of getting preachy, take a step back and examine the situation -- at least he is doing the laundry in the first place. Everything else can be fixed with an iron.


Sometimes your energy flows outward from your warm home life into your bustling social life. But now and then the energy flows inward. Social issues may invade your home today, becoming the talk of the breakfast table. Don't let any outside silliness break up the good vibe of your home.


The garden seems positively vital after a slew of rain. Maybe those weeds are growing three inches a day? Don't switch up your routine now. Just let nature take its course. Soon, you'll be ready to take a big role.

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Go on, take a bite. You might like it! Whatever the food item is that you've always said you hated, it will taste different to you today. You won't mind the curds in cottage cheese or the mush of eggplant. Has your mouth evolved or is this just your lucky day?


While you may have made amazing progress on some of your craft projects lately, you haven't done much (if anything) by way of responsible tasks. It's time for your brain to shift gears. The uber creative projects will still be waiting when you get back.


During a traditional Greek dance party, the plates being broken over the heads of guests may thrill you. It's important, however, not to get too caught up in the moment. What is okay to do in a banquet hall may not be favorable in your own home (with your own plates).


Though you've both been working on the same project, stand back and admire your friend's handiwork today. Don't let doubt or self-judgment creep into the picture. Merely appreciate how she interpreted the assignment, what colors she chose, and how her imagination varies from yours.


Like a machine, you'll fold the clothes at lightning speed this evening. Your 20-minute recipes will only take 10 minutes, and your bill paying will be a blur. Anything to get you on to the creative part of the evening where your mind can truly relax and open up!


Nothing says welcome to the neighborhood like your freshly baked banana bread. Then why have the people two houses down not yet received their loaf? Don't let too much time pass between arrival and greeting -- the more time elapses, the more distant you will feel.


Luck will be on your side today, no matter how careless you may be. Guessing at ingredients will give you pleasant surprises, and a chance stroll past a home store will land you half off of something you had your eye on anyway. Live it up! Luck like this doesn't last forever.

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