Your Daily HomeScope for October 20, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


When the sleeves on your knitted sweater hang unevenly, or when your pasta turns out undone, don't have an aggressive reaction. Take three deep breaths, and then find the humor in the situation. Your ability to laugh will once again save you.


The rust stains around the kitchen sink are making you crazy, and who got chocolate on the couch? Small imperfections will take intense energy to correct today. Focus on the outcome, not the culprit, as you don your rubber gloves and get to work.


When a housemate seems glum this week, don't just let him or her wallow in despair -- dive in and ask questions, be a friend, listen. You may not have the answers -- in fact, the issues could be uncharted territory for you -- but your unbiased support will be appreciated.


How hard can it be to use a stud finder, then drill a screw into a wall? While you like to think of yourself as a capable person -- and you are -- don't let your pride prevent you from getting a job done correctly. If you don't know how to do something, just ask.


You aren't much of a materialistic person, but there are a few special objects that you hold very dearly. They may not be expensive or particularly nice. They are treasured for their history -- some of these objects may be very old -- and also for the person who gave them to you.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Slowly, your meal will go from seven courses to five, then from five courses to potluck with a bakery pie for dessert. Don't despair if you can't keep up with your ambitions. When you're in over your head, you certainly know how to recover with panache.


Even though you're not ready to start reading the book or listen to a new album, it doesn't mean others can cut in front of you. You're not being selfish -- you're merely preserving the integrity of something you know to be special. Don't open the book until it's the right time.


You've been known to doubt your color choice, even after you adamantly fought for its acceptance in your house. But today you will have nothing but unshakable confidence. You know what looks good and you are after it. Don't stop until the job is complete.


When you moved into your house years ago, you had no idea how tiny it would feel with the passing of time. Contemplate what has changed between then and now. Will it once again feel like an enormous house? These perceptions are often circumstantial.


When you confront the weed-ridden hillside today, you'll feel an overwhelming sensation that friends near and far will hear. Invite over anyone who is willing to help to tackle this huge task. Promise a sundown picnic lunch to sweeten the deal.


You'd rather not resort to heavy brocade curtains, but with a first-floor home on a busy street, how else can you achieve privacy? Check with experts to look into your options. Also consider the possibility that you aren't as exposed as you may feel.


If the only job of a doormat is to welcome people to your home, then your doormat has failed. Winter certainly had its way with your mat, and the muddy design is a little less than appealing. Add 'wash doormat' to your to-do list -- it's a little detail that goes a long way.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙