Your Daily HomeScope for October 14, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Making partner has its perks. Using people to your advantage is part and parcel of your drive for success and sincere flattery of the designer will get you a good deal on the custom-dyed fabric you want for your office remodel.


The destination is fun, the travel, not so much anymore. Remember the three-ounce limit when packing lotions and potions in your carry-on, and you won't have to trash that favorite hand cream or buy new toothpaste.


Choose a project that allows you to combine hard work with meticulousness, such as building a corner shelf with a cabinet on the bottom. Wear safety goggles and gloves to enhance the experience.


Spilling soda on the carpet does not have to ruin it or the day. Immediately place a towel on it and gently pat it so it soaks up the excess before you apply a carpet stain remover.


Allow light to dwell within your soul. Divided lights will give a period feel to your half-round room of windows and French doors that open to the garden. A fin de siecle vibe makes all the difference in the world.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Your dedication to making things work is admirable, but you may be in over your head when it comes to patching the roof. Call a professional. It is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is a sign of your innate common sense. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.


Lay the foundation for a new project today by listening to the advice of a mentor who believes in you and who will push you to excel as you face challenges. Take the notes you will refer to often.


The universe requires a bit of meditation. Like the church fathers, cathedral window plants do not like change. Steady temperatures and fertilizer once every two weeks are what they require.


Rearranging your stuff is a necessary part of life. Low-locked storage is best for heavy cleaning chemicals. The locks are especially important with young grandchildren coming for an extended visit.


When you planned your salad garden, it didn't seem like a huge job, but now you're finding out how wrong you were. A knee pad with handles will make it easier to get up and down between the mounds of soil.


Setting boundaries is ultimately a good thing for your psyche. A geometric zigzag of two paints in contrasting colors, such as purple and lime green, can define the space on a wall.


Forgotten treasures find their way to the surface of your life today. An angel descending from heaven is the design of a favorite brooch handed down from your great grandmother. Coat the metal backs of your costume jewelry with clear nail polish and you will not have to worry about the metal ever leaving a funny mark on your clothes.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!