Your Daily HomeScope for November 25, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Instead of picking up a new hobby, why not work on one you've long neglected? Sharpen your piano playing and music reading skills, or get back into meditation and yoga. Revisiting an old pastime will feel even more rejuvenating than starting from scratch today.


If you're thinking of doing something somewhat radical today is a fantastic day to implement crazy and way-out ideas. Run with it while you have the gumption and imagination to put your dreams into reality.


You have the ability today to be aware of the collective unconscious, especially where your household is concerned. You are perceptive, intuitive and can sense subtle emotional changes of those around you. Try not to take it personally if you find that some people like to stay in their own world today.


You approach philosophy in a spiritual sense today, pondering questions and getting lost in imaginings of the cycles of life. You are particularly aware of this side of yourself when you are tending your garden, pruning your deciduous shrubs and planting flowering bulbs.


It is difficult to see the path of the future laid out before you when you are so mired in memories, nostalgia and dreams. Spending an afternoon with photo albums and old letters is a fine way to pass the time, but it's at odds with feeling productive and accomplished in your goals that help pave the way for tomorrow.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


When you set out to eliminate all weeds from your lawn, you might just remove one or two before a neighbor ropes you into helping her move furniture. Do not plan to get a lot accomplished today. Take it easy and see where life takes you.


It seems as if you've been working forever on building relationships with your neighbors and some of them just won't budge. You face resistance when you try to organize and it's like pulling teeth for some of them to even be friendly and cordial. Try not to get upset if things don't progress, and remember that some things take time and are worth your perseverance.


You've been sketching for years, thinking that your dreams for renovating and adding on to your home are merely fantasies. Your vivid imagination and reality may interface today as you see a long held dream capture the potential of becoming something tangible.


Invite an older relative over for coffee and homemade tarts. As you're baking, think of all the things about their lives that you'd love to know. Create a warm and cozy environment for sharing and listen as they reminisce about the past. You will find inspiration for your own life hidden in their stories.


You'll make considerable progress on whatever project you decide to work on today. You could make the rounds through all of your flowering shrubs and bulbs, readying them for the next season. Or perhaps you're ready to plan and plant your summer flowerbeds with bulbs and to divide your perennials and spread them around your garden.


Choose a simple task without small details as you might have a hard time focusing today. Weeding would be a good chore for you, or perhaps taking care of household business that might usually bore you. You can let yourself daydream and philosophize while mindlessly mopping the floors.


Take yourself to the plant store and treat yourself to one big, beautiful new plant this season. Or perhaps what you need is a day off around the house without giving yourself any tasks to accomplish. Is it a hot bath and a massage that would really help you to treat yourself? Let yourself go in whatever way makes you feel good.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!