Your Daily HomeScope for November 22, 2021

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Your co-worker may accuse you of being a bit insensitive as your cartoon characters fall off the cubicle wall and onto her desk for the umpteenth time. To retain harmony, securing them with tape or tacky putty, or keeping them on your own side of the desk is advisable.


Transcending is good for meditation; reaching is not great for your back. Buy a step stool for easy access or reorganize the top shelves in your kitchen before your stretching does some real harm to your lower back.


Balance is paramount today. Unless you planned on that chair you are making being a free-form sculpture that only a doll might sit on, you better get out your square tool and sanding materials.


Lest your social and private life become problematic it would behoove you to think before dating a co-worker. At home tend to your knitting and crafting, for the giving season is upon you.


You feel pretty magnanimous as you pontificate the merits of cleaning -- until you find a rodent dropping in your cupboard. Or even worse, cockroaches. Mice can flatten themselves to escape, so set a trap and be done with the problem.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Small details delight you as you shop for a matching table runner, placemats and chair pads. Since your fancy dishes are an unusual hue, take one with you to the store so you can match the colors to your sense of perfection.


Launched into flight might be your secret desire for a neighbor's yapping pet. Take a deep breath, buy earplugs, and politely ask the owner what might be done on her end, at least during the night and in the wee hours of the morning. You might even find you like the dog once you get to meet it. If the noise level does not improve, consider contacting animal control.


Music is great to listen to while you work, but don't get too caught up in the song, or you may find your yellow has splashed beyond the tape line and onto the wall you painted blue. Hmm. Maybe it looks okay and it's time to rag one color over another for your own special effect.


Goodwill and happiness abound in your life with the sun and moon are good to you. This will be a fine evening for trying that coconut, cranberry cookie recipe. Use unsweetened coconut from the health-food store for a mildly sweet taste.


Getting your online store uploaded seems like an impossible chore as you match pictures to prices and link to like items. Persevere, because the payoff will please you tremendously. You may need to invest in an inventory-tracking system sooner than you dreamed.


Your desire to commune monthly with people you value does not have to be put off because of the holiday season. Start small with a morning or late-night coffee klatch, and be willing to find out how it evolves.


True spiritual practice begins with giving thanks. If you feel grumpy, try writing down three things you love about your domicile each day. Your marble-topped butcher block that does not hold germs like the old wooden one did could be first on your list.

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