Your Daily HomeScope for November 15, 2021

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


As you commence a rather complex project tonight, you may shock yourself by realizing that you actually understand the instructions. Next time, give yourself more credit -- you're brighter than you thought!


Maybe it's the good night's sleep you had last night, but you're ready and able to take on some detail-oriented tasks today. As you catalog pictures or make an itinerary for an upcoming vacation, you'll enjoy the focused feeling.


A pile of bills may arrive in your mailbox, and scary as it may be, you might not remember half of the things you bought. Though it's fun to shop, challenge yourself to make more meaningful purchases next month.


It's amazing what you can do with just four ingredients. While others might look in your fridge and think you couldn't make a thing out of its contents, you can whip up a delicious dish that no one saw coming.


Be ready to change your plan at any moment. You may have plans to install the arbor in the left side of the yard, but once the project is under way, something might come up to make you reassess your strategy.

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Based on no prior conversation, you will be able to intuit exactly what one member of your household wants for dessert today. Enjoy preparing something that's exactly what your loved one desires.


Perhaps it's because the rug cost a lot of money, but your floor covering will be able to take a beating and clean up miraculously well. Take joy in the fact that you made a good investment.


As you look through your collection of hand-painted glass, take note of all of the nicks and scratches on the surface. Though they may detract from the worth of the collection, the cracks make the objects even more special to you.


As you lay the tiles for the new bathroom floor, be absolutely certain not to skip any steps. No one wants this job done more quickly than you, but if you do a good job the first time, you'll never have to do it again.


With a childlike air, you'll take simple tasks very seriously today. Coloring within the lines will take on huge importance, and you'll be able to cut through construction paper with astounding precision.


Before you start cooking, make sure you have all of the ingredients you'll need for the recipe. Nothing is worse than realizing you've forgotten the parmesan when the noodles are already cooking.


Think about your relationships today as you make handmade gifts. Don't just sew a generic apron -- think about how a friend would use it. Whether it's for gardening, cooking or crafting, tailor your creation.

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