Your Daily HomeScope for November 14, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


It's hard to get the group together sometimes -- that's why you need to charm everyone to get what you want. Whether your friends already have plans, you'll be able to get them to commit to a gathering. The only stipulation is not to skimp on their favorite foods!


The best part about your new fitness routine is that you can't decide if it's more about the exercise or about hanging out with your friend. Maybe you have found a way to exercise and have fun? Notice that so many little things around the house feel peaceful now that you have found an outlet for excess energy.


'Do you like this?' you may ask, or 'shall I hang it here?' If these questions are coming out of your mouth more than three times a day, you may be focusing a bit too much on your partner's opinion. Take a chance now and then -- you don't always need to consult.


When you invest in an amazing new piece of furniture this week, don't toss it into its spot and leave it at that. Use creative sensitivity as you bring this piece into your space. Make sure it ties in with the other elements of the room -- adorn with items that will make it uniquely yours.


It will be a cosmic moment -- you and your housemates will actually agree on what kind of pizza to order. Tonight, there will be no half orders, or special sauces on the side, and no one will sulk when the doorbell rings. Enjoy this brief moment of concordance.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


After all of the work you've put into dinner tonight, who could have guessed that you would wind up burning the rice? When something deceptively simple goes awry tonight, make the most of it. Overcooked vegetables, after all, can become a delicious base for a soup.


Does the air seem to be alive with the song of the season? Or maybe it's just your allergies? Whether it is bird song and joyfulness or spores and pollen, nature will be floating toward you this week, blessing your surroundings with its rich, versatile aspects.


When someone in your neighborhood garners a bad reputation this week, act as an attorney in his or her defense. Maybe the whole story wasn't told? And after all, what business is it of the neighborhood to know this particular story in the first place? Get to the bottom of the issue and speak out.


It may be about time to turn back to the music of the spheres -- that is, dig out your old records, dust off your record player, and find your groove. Let music play a role as important as the kitchen table -- an object that allows people to meet, mingle, and open up.


It is amazing the way that music can transform your home. When you are alone, you may not think to play music very often, but a housemate with a love for the symphony will fill your surroundings with lovely, wafting tunes as you move about your evening with a curious newfound thoughtfulness.


When you moved to the town where you live, you may have had some Utopian ideals, oohing and ahhing over this park or that bakery, but not paying much attention to the less scenic side. When you do begin to notice the less than savory aspects, try not to obsess. Focus on the positive whenever possible!


When it comes to your favorite reading, it is often the books and magazines with inspired verses about their surroundings. You are most moved when people describe their surroundings and how they make them feel. Try your hand today at penning your own thoughts. Perhaps you can be the one to inspire today?

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!