Your Daily HomeScope for May 19, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Whether you're fond of antiques or modern furnishings, your furniture built of wood needs some special attention. Make it a ritual to carefully and tenderly polish your furniture, paying respect to the trees that gave their life.


You've skimped. You've gone for the store brand instead of the name brand. So take a luxury break: Go out and treat yourself to something nice today. Buy that expensive lotion just because it smells divine.


There's so much going on in your life that it's easy to see why some little things can slip through the cracks. You generally keep everything brilliantly afloat, but take a minute to make sure nothing important is slipping.


You've brought home three new shrubs, but before you plant them, you're whizzing around the yard collecting weeds. Your energy is magnetic, so don't be surprised if you draw a crowd in your own yard.


Your household just doesn't seem to get the fact that you really do care if they squeeze the tube of toothpaste from the middle. It drives you crazy! Try not to sweat the small stuff today.

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Take a stroll through your garden today as you envision what you'll plant in the upcoming year. Ask yourself how much of last year's eggplant and rhubarb you really used in your cooking. Be honest with yourself.


You've been allowing yourself to eat whatever you like for days, and now you're dying for fish and chips. Why not opt for grilled salmon and roasted rosemary potatoes instead? You'll feel satisfied with the healthier meal.


You're satisfied with the way the house looks and feels, but someone in your household has an itch to do some rearranging. Instead of trying to prove that everything is already perfect, be open to fresh ideas.


Your fingers are steady and your eyes are focused right now. What project have you neglected because you haven't had the patience? It's time to pick up that intricate needlepoint that you meant to finish.


You get what you ask for, so they say. It would be a good day for you to take this adage to heart. Don't be afraid to ask for a discount on that pillow with a little bit of loose thread, or the slightly wilting box of petunias.


Like an astronaut, you may be exceedingly intelligent, but your head is simply in the clouds today. Don't attempt to do any serious baking, and certainly don't handle any sharp knives. Instead, simply relax in the orbit of your home.


Your jewelry box is a glittering maze, an intricate mound of silver and gold. You'd be able to wear more of your treasures if you could find them! For a useful display for your earrings, hang them from a doily tacked to your wall.

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