Your Daily HomeScope for May 14, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Don't be surprised if you miss the train or forget the main ingredient of your recipe. Things may seem to go wrong, but avoid beating up on yourself. Take deep breaths and laugh a little at your own predicament. Your dinner will turn out all right anyway.


Clearly the orchids aren't doing well in their new locations. Grab a housemate and take a leisurely stroll through the house to find the perfect home for your plants. Talk gingerly about the angles of the shadow and the way the sun hits the bookshelves.


Your insightful sensibility gives you a design advantage today. You have a special talent for noticing how different pieces work together. Take this skill to a local discount furniture store and allow yourself to successfully blend less expensive pieces into your home.


All of your energy is flowing through your hands and into the earth today. You are well aware of your passion and your love for your garden. Do a variety of tasks that involve weeding, planting and harvesting and then pay homage to the season by cooking with savory fresh herbs.


Let yourself wander into the new antique shop. Pay special attention to the accessories and keep your eyes peeled for drawer handles, picture frames and old lace. An art deco figurine may catch your eye. Don't be afraid to take home an item as long as it fits into your budget.

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Let's be honest. You must admit that planning a yard sale is more than a little ambitious. If you haven't had time to thoroughly clean your closets, it clearly won't serve its purpose. Don't hesitate to postpone plans if you feel you need to be more prepared.


A trip to the Asian Art Museum inspires you to look into the decorating potential of Japanese paper. Consider the textures and prints as you imagine wrapping paper and wall hangings. A bright-red fibrous paper with a cream-colored border might be a great alternative for painting.


Confidence is the name of the game as you take culinary risks in your kitchen this evening. Think back to your basic skills and veer away from the recipe. Going wild with improvisation feels great -- don't be afraid to explore your own slant on your favorite dishes.


Your imagination transforms an old tire into a flower box and now it's time to turn that planter into a reality. Think about those bike wheels in the garage -- they could serve as a border fence covered in ivy. Recycle those artifacts around you; your artistic hand will reinvigorate old items.


You may be able to find what you need in your neatly organized utensil drawer, but your shed is another matter. Take some time to wander around your yard and home, gathering all of your tools. Organize how you store these vital instruments in your household.


A walk in the woods sounds like the perfect activity this afternoon, so get out there. As you slip on the pine needles, admire the skipping squirrels and the long shadows cast through the trees. Remind yourself that you need a little genuine private time once in a while.


Get a second and third opinion before purchasing a major used appliance. Remember to disclose all of the information you have to those who are helping you to decide. Business matters aren't as they first appear today so you should avoid all ailing machinery.

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