Your Daily HomeScope for May 09, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


There is friction and heat in your midst today -- what better time to put your new copper bottom deep dish skillet to work? Select a tantalizing array of fresh vegetables to make a colorful and healthy meal: Throw in carrots, cauliflower, onions, beets, kale, kohlrabi, and add a sesame peanut sauce to top it off. Today would also be a good day to add a touch of chili.


Let go of the chrysanthemums and cut them close to the soil, and give away the coffee cup that the neighbor was caught admiring. Why not give away the whole set of cups? You rarely used them anyway and yearn for a new start, more room in your cupboards and your garden.


You're intrigued by films and art today, and you desire to go out and experience the creativity exhibited by others' crafts. Perhaps you're looking for inspiration? A modern dance performance of classical ballet could give you the mental space to contemplate your own creative efforts.


You've been mulling over the idea of renovating a portion of your home to provide more space and light. Especially during the deepest days, can you fully imagine what a change this project will make to your home? You deserve at least a serious contemplation of the idea.


It's daring, it's brash, it's fabulous! You're jumping and dancing with excitement at the prospects of your new project and looking into the future when you've advanced to expert status in your new craft. Take a mental snapshot to remind yourself later of the wave of confidence you feel today.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


It'd be fun to start a little assembly line of cookie baking in your kitchen while singing in rounds. If anyone can organize such an endeavor, it's you. Your team will be easily put together and so will your finished product of frosted hearts and stars and your own homemade designs.


It seems as if everyone would rather default to the going out to dinner option rather than gather the energy to cook a nice meal. You have the gusto it takes to make it happen. There are enough root vegetables, grains and cheese around to create an amazing baked dish for a start.


You may not be receiving what you think you deserve, whether it be help around the house, back rubs, or deals at the flea market. Today would be a good day to avoid asking for more and graciously accept what you have before you.


You're not sure whether it was a dream, or whether you invented a story in your head, but the smell of roasted sesame takes you to a far away place, as do chili peppers, peach pie and French toast, as if they were part of a memory. Lie on your couch and let yourself dream of faraway places that are brought to life by your sense of smell.


It's not at all that you want to be overly thrifty, and stingy of course has a horrible connotation. In fact, you can be generous, giving, and even selfless. There is something in you today, however, that is warning you to be careful of sharing your resources too much. Don't be generous just to be nice.


The array of fabric textures and colors piled in your sewing room could be a photograph to advertise the diversity of items offered at your fabric store. It's time to dive in and take inspiration in the variety. Perhaps a patterned quilt is in order.


You'll feel like sitting in front of the fireplace today, strumming your guitar and with your sweet cat curled up at your side. The fire is shining orange-red warmth throughout the room that envelops you and only feeds the fantasy that is running in your dreamy head.

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