Your Daily HomeScope for March 15, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Apple-colored cheeks and laughter are the rule of the day. Raking leaves can be a fun project if the whole family pitches in. You might even use it for composting.


Friends are compassionate listeners lifting you out of a blue mood and enabling you to do more than keep on keeping on. Dust off your harmonica, bring it to your lips and blow the doldrums out of your home with a beautiful noise.


Even the simplest things can be done in such a way that they are a spiritual experience. When you sip the cup of tea you've made, pay attention to the aroma of the tea, the taste on your tongue and the way your shoulders relax.


Sweep the cobwebs from your home with broad strokes of duster and broom. Relax and leave meal details to others lest your wandering mind comes back to earth wit the smell of a burnt chicken dinner.


Today the universe offers you lessons in humility. Here, you thought it was enough to catch spiders in a cup and release them outdoors. Engage your brain lest you cut someone with a sharp tongue. You have the wisdom and power to be critical without being cruel, especially since your housemates did not ask for your advice.

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The Moon is enchanting tonight. Look at yourself in the mirror and see your beauty at this time of year. Share how you feel with a close friend over a glass of wine or sparkling juice.


Appreciate the small acts of kindness people perform for you as a matter of course, such as refilling the ice trays, holding the door open, folding the afghan neatly on the couch. Acknowledge those acts and give yourself credit for all the ways you treat others kindly.


In your quest to know as much as you possibly can, leave room for mystery and anticipation. You might be stealing some of your partner's happiness if you get caught peaking at birthday presents they hid in the garage.


When we make a move to a new home, having our precious things around stokes feelings of security. You may feel like an arrow flying into the abyss as you pack up your things in preparation for a move to a new city. Give your feelings of apprehension the boost by marking the boxes and keep a list of the items within.


Connect with a minister or priestess who walks the way they talk to enhance your own spiritual path. Then, place reminders of your spirituality in prominent places around the home to reinforce your faith.


The geese herald the coming of winter or spring. Other messages can be more subtle. Pay as much attention to what a friend says as what they don't say. Invite them to a special dinner at your home, prepared with the fruits of your garden and orchard.


Adorn yourself with a fragrance that makes you feel lavish before you open your closet doors and choose and outfit. Then, drink plenty of water today so your skin is as fresh and hydrated as your outlook on life.

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