Your Daily HomeScope for March 12, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You shine a much-needed light in your community today as the organizer of a block watch. You will get the support and assistance of people in the neighborhood, not only for crime watch, but whether the elderly in the area are getting the services they need.


Small, but unusual, cravings will dominate your moods today. Embrace the strange energy instead of being stubborn. Change your phone background to a crazy image, or the ring to your favorite '80s pop song.


This is a good day for you to adopt the position of The Thinker. Although, to connect your deepest thoughts with the universe, you don't have to remain still as a statue or leave your clothing in the closet. Sit quietly in your garden, breathe deeply, focus on something beautiful and find inner peace.


You react emotionally today, whether it is hearing a song that makes you recall a lost love, a movie worth a few teardrops or having an exchange of words with a housemate. Go with your feelings even though others remain annoyingly aloof. Buy soft tissues with aloe to take care of your weepy ways.


Relationship issues are at the forefront of your mind today. You may feel stifled by friends or a significant other who cling too tightly to the past while you are ready to ably respond to a new situation. Be gently but clear as you define the territory you require.

Are you compatible? Reveal your Compatibility Score now!


Your respect for the opinions of relatives adds value to a reunion planning meeting. You capably construct plans for a fun day that everyone finds palatable and most agree will be hugely enjoyable. Even the teenagers think you rock because you have included some of their music in the playlist!


You make an intellectual connection on the job that will give your career an unexpected boost. You feel safe planning rather than dreaming about upgrading your city apartment for a house in the suburbs or purchasing a vacation home. Be honest with yourself and your partner about what you both want and you can have it.


Are you bored? Use the breezy days to conquer deep-cleaning chores for a clean and comfortable home. Reward yourself with a treat of some homemade cookies. You'll use the calories as you ready your home.


You have an open mind and an ability to relate well to strangers. You can bring peace to your neighborhood one child at a time. Check with your local schools to find out what mentoring programs are available. How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money.


When your vision runs headlong into the good-old-boy network it is time to plan for the only future you have control of, yours. Use your head, not to scheme to get back at those who have slighted you, but to make your goals the reality.


It is embarrassing when your daughter tells you how good you sing in the shower. You are the brilliant 'Material Girl' when she hands you the mic from her karaoke machine. Music fills your living room and the happiness shared makes the evening meal the best you have shared in a month.


It is hard to focus indoors with the sound of your neighbor's chain saw cutting wood for his fireplace. You have been meaning to wash the car and the dog anyway, so go with the flow by tackling outside projects yourself.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!