Your Daily HomeScope for June 18, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You may find yourself falling into some petty arguments this afternoon, squabbling with a housemate over who ate the last Popsicle or bickering over whether or not to use the air conditioner. Find your own happiness today, and don't let others get under your skin.


The delightful morning sunshine may turn into oppressive afternoon heat, sapping your energy and your motivation. Conserve your energy for the evening hours -- trying to accomplish goals during the day will be fruitless.


Your botany experiment is coming along well, but these early stages are always the scariest. If you have a peanut plant sprouting in your kitchen, watch it carefully, but try not to obsess. Your anxiety will do nothing to help the plant grow.


You may be spending a lot of time goofing off outdoors, but are you really having that much fun? Remember that today is not just a time for relaxing -- accomplishments will be your true joy.


With a warm streak hitting your neighborhood, luring your friends away from their abodes may be difficult. Plan an ice cream social to tempt others to your home with sweets, and the promise of something cold and refreshing.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


The day could fly by before you know it if you don't do some careful planning. Your rental truck reservation starts this morning, and from there it's your job to be on time and hit every location, returning the truck by evening. Make a list and get going -- time is a tickin'.


Though your housemates may be sick to death of hearing about the new blossoms on your orchid, you just can't seem to stop talking about it. Find other ways to enjoy this new generation -- take photos and frame them or join a gardening club. Although your excitement is great, not everyone shares your enthusiasm.


Before you slather your skin with a new self-tanner or use a new, low-fat butter alternative, read the fine print. Just because the market sells it doesn't mean it's good for your body.


You don't know how you made it happen, but you may just be the keeper of small miracles today. Wine stains in white rugs will magically disappear, and a long-lost pair of sunglasses will reappear in a drawer you thought you checked 15 times.


If the piece of meat you're cooking has a little too much fat, cut it out -- you just don't need it in your life right now. You'll crave low-fat, simple foods instead of butter and bacon grease.


A unique recipe will pop out at you from a magazine, most likely because of its unlikely ingredients. Use orange in a savory sauce or nuts in your salad dressing. Your palate will crave unusual flavors and textures today. Give yourself what you want.


Try to avoid being too specific today. Instead be vague and see what you get. Let your friend pick out your ice cream flavor or allow your housemate to select the new rug for the entryway. You'll be surprised and delighted by what appears.

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