Your Daily HomeScope for June 03, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Hanging your lingerie to dry in the guest bathroom preserves the fabric, not to mention your dignity. However, if you must dry it, spin it on the air-dry setting.


Adjust your calendars and alarms clocks to keep up with what is important in your life. Getting up early, sitting outside with a hot cup of herb tea sweetened with honey and watching the sunrise is a tradition you will treasure.


Power outages from thunderstorms are problematic. A surge protector installed at your fuse box by an electrician can help avert disaster. An alternative is to plug all your expensive electronics into a surge-protection device.


Foresight comes naturally to you and you know that a bigger financial outlay on the front end can reap big rewards in the end. Solar panels on the roof mean that you get credits on your power bill and on your taxes starting now.


You don't need children to do a lot of "kids" crafts. Give into your whim and stick that decorating kit or coloring book and crayons in your shopping basket. You might create your next centerpiece or wall art.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


Help cannot arrive unless you ask for it today. Your housemates are focused on their own responsibilities and oblivious to your needs, so speak up. Remember to say please and thank you with a smile.


All things thrive when at peace in their world. Orchids need a high humidity environment. Placing their pots on damp horticulture aggregate creates this moisture for them.


Just because your bedroom is not in view to your guests doesn't mean it should not be inviting at the very least to you. Make it your haven to unwind with bedding that is soft against your skin and delightful to your eyes.


Meals infused with garden freshness are the gardening goal you have chosen this year. Thyme, marjoram, tarragon, rosemary and bay leaves are herbs that will add aroma to your garden as they grow.


Little things can add up to big differences when brought together. Keep an open tray beside the printer so you can reuse paper for drafts or doodles. You will save a bit of money in paper costs.


Show your children the beauty of the natural world when you take them to a family farm and let them gather eggs. The type of fowl and what they are fed determines the size and color of the eggshell as well as the yolk's shade of yellow.


You are struck by the number of idiots who rudely left their trash in the woods as you soak your feet in the bubbling waters of a mountain stream. Good thing you brought a bag to clean up trash and add your bit of positivity to the world.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!